I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 231 Piao Piao's Birthday 01

Chapter 231 Piao Piao's Birthday 01
By Saturday, Yan Xi's teeth were no longer hurting, and the wound had healed well.

When I got up in the morning to go for a morning run, I received a call from Hua Wrong.

"Yan Xi, are you free today?" Hua Cuo's voice sounded sleepy just after waking up.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Yan Xi put down the phone and turned on the speakerphone.

"Does the tooth still hurt? I'll go back to see you soon." Although he really didn't want to go to Xie's place for a follow-up visit, but in order to be with her, he endured it.

"I don't need to go to the follow-up consultation, you go by yourself." Yan Xi didn't want to go, she believed that Hua Cuo didn't need someone to accompany her.

"Then the stitches have to be removed."

"I've already dismantled it myself." Yan Xi cut the thread in front of the mirror yesterday.

"Is that so? Actually, I also removed the thread myself!" As a gourmet, Hua Cuo had thread stitched on her gums, making it really inconvenient to eat.

"That's good, everyone doesn't have to go." Yan Xi was quite happy.

"Piao Piao's birthday, have you chosen a gift yet?" Hua Cuo asked, Piao Piao's birthday will be celebrated tonight.

"Not yet." Yan Xi was going to go out to buy gifts in a while.

"I haven't either, why don't we choose gifts together today, and I'll go to your house to find you."

"Okay." Yan Xi replied, since they were choosing gifts anyway, she wanted to know more about Hua Cuo by the way.

"See you later." Hua Cuo turned over and got up to get dressed.


At nine o'clock in the morning, Yan Xi had just finished his morning run when he received another call, which showed a local landline number.

"Hi, hello." Yan Xi tapped to answer.

"Ms. Yan, good morning. I'm Dr. Xie Cunliang. You can come for a follow-up visit today." Xie Cunliang spoke softly, rarely being so friendly to patients.

"Dr. Xie, thank you for calling yourself. Last week's tooth extraction was a success. I'm recovering well and don't need a follow-up visit." Yan Xi's words were full of emotion.

"Miss Yan is too polite. You must come for a follow-up visit. There are stitches in your gums. I want to remove the stitches for you. Please come to the hospital." Xie Cunliang said solemnly.

"When I was eating yesterday, food crumbs got stuck on the thread, so I cut the thread myself, and now it is recovering very well." Yan Xi repeatedly emphasized that her teeth are very good!

"What? Did you cut the thread yourself? That's not okay. If the wound becomes inflamed, it will be very serious, and it will even affect the adjacent teeth, causing loose teeth, toothache, periodontitis..." Xie Cunliang said more and more serious.

"Doctor Xie, thank you for your concern. If I need to bother you again, I won't bother you. Goodbye." Yan Xi hung up immediately after speaking.


Far away from the hospital.

Xie Cunliang put down the phone, looked at the person in front of him, and said in a heavy tone, "She's hung up."

"Then when will she come?" Yin Zimo looked expectantly.

"She... won't come." Xie Cunliang really didn't want to tell this cruel fact.

Hearing this, the little expectation in Yin Zimo's heart was instantly shattered.

Xie Cunliang couldn't understand it, he said it so seriously, why didn't she come?There are very few patients who are not afraid of death.

"How about her teeth? Are there any problems?" Yin Zimo was a little worried, why didn't she come for a follow-up visit.

"It's just pulling out wisdom teeth, what's the problem?" Xie Cunliang didn't care, but Zi Mo was concerned.

Yin Zimo felt down, why didn't she come?Was she trying to avoid him?

"Aren't you on vacation today? Just go to her house and find her." Xie Cunliang was very puzzled, usually Zi Mo was straightforward and decisive in dealing with people, but he was hesitant about how to deal with feelings.

Yin Zimo's expression was gloomy. He also wanted to go to her, but he was afraid of facing her rejection.

After saying goodbye to Xie Cunliang, Yin Zimo left the dental center and received a call from He Qingshan.


"Zi Mo, are you free tonight?"

"I'm free today."

"Tomorrow is Piao Piao's birthday. Tonight, a few of us will go to Kaman's Bar to celebrate. Yan Xi will also go. Will you come?" He Qingshan is getting old and can't get along with these young people. Nephew, he went with the cheek.

"Well, Miss Ye didn't invite me." Of course Yin Zimo wanted to go, but he was worried that it would be too abrupt, after all, it was Ye Piaopiao's birthday.

"Piao Piao asked me to ask you to go, she is very optimistic about you and Yan Xi." He Qingshan chuckled, he was also very optimistic.

"Really? What time is it?" Yin Zimo was surprised and delighted that she could see her again tonight.

"At ten o'clock, Carman's bar, table 13 of card B."

"Is there any gift that Miss Ye particularly likes?" He didn't know Ye Piaopiao well, so he didn't know what gift to give.

"Just whatever you want." He asked his wife to buy something casually yesterday, just pack it.

"Is anyone going to pick up Yan Xi tonight? Maybe I can go." His house is not far from Yan Xi's house.

"I don't know. Probably not." He Qingshan said, Yan Xi didn't have a car, and Ye Piaopiao and Yan Xi didn't make it along.


(End of this chapter)

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