I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 232 Piao Piao's Birthday 02

Chapter 232 Piao Piao's Birthday 02
Yan Xi had just finished taking a shower when he heard the doorbell.

Yan Xi picked up the towel, wiped his hair casually, and then went to open the door.

"Good morning." Huacuo stood in front of the door, his smile was bright and cheerful, and his whole body seemed to be covered with sunshine.

"Good morning." Yan Xi opened the security door and let him in.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" Hua Cuo walked in.

"Not yet, you sit down first, do you want water or milk?" Yan Xi closed the security door.

"I'll take care of myself, you go and blow dry your hair." Hua Cuo saw that her hair was still wet.

Yan Xi was not polite to him either, she went into the room to dry her hair.

After a while, Yan Xi dried his hair, changed his clothes, put on light makeup, and then came out of the room, and saw Hua Cuo sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"There is a tea restaurant downstairs, let's have breakfast first, then go shopping for gifts, and then have lunch. Why don't we go shopping together in the afternoon, or where do you want to go?" Hua Cuo looked back at her.

"You decide." Yan Xi walked to the shoe cabinet, changed into high heels, and prepared to go out.

"Well, I like you... this decision." Hua Cuo picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

The two went out together, walked out of Tianhe Xiaoyuan, turned a corner and went to the market.

In mid-June, the sun was a bit fierce after nine o'clock in the morning.

"Miss Yan, do you want to buy a newspaper?" The owner of the newsstand on the side of the road was more enthusiastic.

"I'm not buying today, I'm on vacation." Yan Xi didn't stop.

"Going on a date?" The owner of the newsstand looked at the flowers beside Yan Xi.

"No." Yan Xi walked past the newsstand and walked away.

"We're going on a date." Hua Cuo lowered his voice, and a date with ordinary friends is also a date.

Yan Xi didn't speak.

Go to the tea restaurant, this is an ordinary tea restaurant, combining Chinese and Western, to meet the taste of the public.

It's almost ten o'clock, it's past breakfast time, and it's not lunch time yet, so there aren't many customers in the restaurant.

The two found a place to sit down casually.

Yao Fang looked at Hua Cuo suspiciously, how could this handsome man share the table with Miss Yan?It's not that there are no vacancies.

"Miss Yan, is it still the same?" Yao Fang asked with a smile, it had been a long time since Miss Yan had breakfast so late, it was almost ten o'clock.

"Well, as usual." Yan Xi nodded, then gave the wrong menu card and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Let me see." Hua Cuo took the menu and flipped through it.

Yao Fang was a little surprised, Miss Yan was with this person?He is Miss Yan's friend?Or boyfriend?
"Blueberry milkshake, cheese sandwich, tomato macaroni, that's all, thank you." Hua Mio closed the menu.

"You're welcome, please wait a moment." Yao Fang hurriedly placed an order.

All the way from her home to the tea restaurant, Hua Cuo has roughly guessed that her usual living habits, buying newspapers, and coming here for breakfast are familiar with the waitress just now, and most of her breakfasts are the same.

"Do you come here often for breakfast?"

"Well, it's convenient." The tea restaurant is near the downstairs, and the bus station is just outside the tea restaurant, so it's convenient to take the bus to work.

"Where do you want to buy a gift?" Hua Cuo didn't think of any gift yet.

"You decide." Yan Xi had no idea for a moment.

"It's better to go shopping in a department store." Hua Cuo thought to himself, and went shopping with her casually.

"Okay." Yan Xi didn't care.

After breakfast, I went back to Tianhe Xiaoyuan, took the wrong car to pick up the car, and went to the department store.


(End of this chapter)

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