I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 233 Piao Piao's Birthday 03

Chapter 233 Piao Piao's Birthday 03
This Saturday, the department store is at the peak of the flow of people.

The phone in his pocket vibrated, Yan Xi took it out to have a look.

Yan Xi hesitated for a moment before answering the phone: "Zi Mo?"

"It's me. Tomorrow is Ms. Ye's birthday. She invited me. I don't know what gift Ms. Ye likes, so I'm asking you."

"Piao Piao is very easy-going. She is losing weight recently. You can send some herbal tea, or a yoga slimming course. You are a doctor, and she will listen to your advice." Yan Xi didn't have any good ideas, she wanted to give her some Box of scented tea.

"Okay. Go to Carman's Bar tonight. I'll drive past your house downstairs. We can go together by the way." Yin Zimo was nervous and looking forward to it.

"No, I'm not home."

"Are you busy?" Yin Zimo was a little disappointed. Today is Saturday. Does she have to work overtime again?
"It's nothing, I'm out shopping, and I'm going to Kaman's Bar at night."

"...Okay then." Yin Zimo hesitated to speak, she went shopping alone, or with someone, or on a date?

"Goodbye." Yan Xi hung up and put away his phone.

"Doctor Yin?" Hua Cuo asked casually.


"Is he dating you?" Hua looked at her by mistake, unable to read her emotion.

"Why do you ask that?" Yan Xi looked at him inexplicably.

"Is he also preparing presents? You can call him and choose presents together." Hua Cuo had been listening carefully just now, probably Yin Zimo was asking her what presents to send.

"Are you sure?" Yan Xi was not sure, why did Hua Cuo call Zi Mo?

"Is there any problem? Are you and him old classmates? We can make friends." Hua Cuo's expression seemed sincere.

"Oh, if you want to make friends with him, I can call him." Yan Xi took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

"Not yet, it's too sudden, it might make him mistakenly think that I have another purpose." Hua Cuo immediately stopped him, of course he didn't want Yin Zimo to come.

"No, he's not a suspicious person." Yan Xi said, at least Zi Mo's purpose is much more pure than Hua Cuo.

"Do you know him well? I heard that you haven't seen him for seven years. Are you sure you still know him?" Hua Cuo expressed doubts. He didn't know Yin Zimo's character, but was she so sure?

"Maybe I don't know much about it, but what does it matter? Everyone has secrets." Yan Xi thought to herself that she also had many secrets that she couldn't tell.

"Then what do you think of Dr. Yin?" Hua Cuo asked casually.

"Very good." Yan Xi has always thought so, no matter before or now, Zi Mo is the type she admires and likes.

"Is it very good? He seems to be pursuing you." Hua Cuo's tone was weird, and he couldn't see where Yin Zimo deserved the word 'very good'.

"Are you caring about me, or about him?" Yan Xi glanced at him with a pun.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? I'm just asking casually. I'm not interested in Yin Zimo at all!" Hua Cuo was so angry that Zhuang Xiaoxia must have publicized his sexual orientation.

"Today is not the time to discuss this issue." Yan Xi walked into a jewelry store.

"No, there is no need to discuss this issue at any time." Hua wrong's tone was very solemn.

"It was you who discussed it with me first." Yan Xi kept avoiding answering, it was Hua Mi who kept provoking questions.

"Really? I'm sorry, the topic is over now. Back to today's topic, have you thought of any gift?" Hua Cuo walked to the card issuing area to choose.

"I haven't thought about it yet, do you want to send the distribution card?" Yan Xi didn't dare to send the distribution card because her eyesight is not very good.

"No. It would be misleading for men to send accessories such as hair cards to women." Huacuo continued to choose.

"Really? You seem to have sent me a hairpin, what does that mean?" Yan Xi recalled this incident.

"I didn't give it to you, I just helped you choose it with a fashion eye. Do you like this?" Hua Cuo picked up a silver hairpin, which suits her quite well.

"I'm disappointed, I don't like wearing hairpins." Yan Xi took a look, then looked away, and left the jewelry store.

"Then what do you like? Is there anything you particularly like?" Hua Cuo put down the hairpin and followed her out of the jewelry store. She didn't seem to have any hobbies.

"I don't particularly like anything I get easily. I like to get it with my own hands if I like it." Yan Xi has always been like this. Only when she gets it with her own hands can she feel a sense of joy and accomplishment.

Hearing this, Hua wrongly looked at her, perhaps because he wanted to know her too much, but he didn't understand her more and more. At first, she gave him the impression that she was cold but gentle, lazy but elegant, and easygoing, Even carefree.However, that doesn't seem to be the case.

(End of this chapter)

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