I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 234 Piao Piao's Birthday 04

Chapter 234 Piao Piao's Birthday 04
Walk into a women's clothing store.

Yan Xi saw that there was a silk scarf, maybe it would be a good gift as well.

"From your fashion point of view, which one do you think is suitable for Piao Piao?" Yan Xi couldn't make up his mind.

"Thin silk fabric, maroon red, with black tassels, can be paired with Piao Piao's favorite black long skirt, and it can be used for sun protection when wearing short-sleeved skirts in summer." Hua Wrong's fingers slid across a series of silk scarves, Finally, she took out a maroon long silk scarf.

"This gentleman is very discerning. This silk scarf was designed by our chief designer." The salesperson enthusiastically promoted it from the side. Judging from his appearance, temperament and clothing, he looked like a designer.

"Then I want this one, can you wrap it in a gift box for me?" Yan Xi looked at the salesperson and asked.

"Yes, this silk scarf comes with a beautiful gift box, please wait a moment." The salesperson hurriedly packed the silk scarf.

After checking out, the two continued to attack another store.

Yan Xi has already made a selection, so he just waited for the flowers to be picked by mistake.

"I'm in a very awkward position. I'm neither a woman nor her boyfriend, so the gift I choose can't be disrespectful or ambiguous."

"Piao Piao shouldn't realize your ambiguity, and won't think you're being rude, so you can choose with confidence." Yan Xi said, the wrong person has a high EQ, but the wrong partner.

Hearing this, the corner of Hua Cuo's lips twitched.

It was past lunch time, and it took a mistake to choose a gift.

The two wandered outside for a day, until after nine o'clock in the evening, Hua Cuo and Yan Xi set off for Kaman's Bar.

"Where is Kaman's Bar?" Hua mistakenly turned on the navigator.

"Jianshe Sanlu." Yan Xi said, the phone in his pocket vibrated, and he took it out to see that it was a strange and unfamiliar number. According to the code and area code of the phone number, it should be an international call from country Y. Who would call from Y? country call her?

"Piaiao's phone call? Have they arrived?" Hua wrongly started the car.

"No." Yan Xi was considering whether to answer the phone or not.

Hearing this, Hua Cuo stopped asking questions, and gave her room to answer the phone.

The car was very quiet, except for the light sound of the phone vibrating.

After hesitating for a while, Yan Xi tapped to answer, but didn't speak, waiting for the other party to speak.

"Have you had dinner yet?" Gu Jinluo's flat voice was filled with concern.

"..." Yan Xi's face darkened in an instant, and she thought it was some kind of troublesome person, but President Gu was also considered a troublesome person.

"Did you hear me?" Gu Jinluo didn't hear the other party.

"Is something wrong?"

"Have you had dinner?" Gu Jinluo asked again, it should be after nine o'clock in the evening.

"have eaten."

"Are you at home?" Gu Jinluo listened carefully to her situation, but it was too quiet to guess where she was.

"If you have nothing important to do, I'll hang up." Yan Xi felt that there was no need to report to the boss.

"Are you free? Now I need your help with some personal matters." Gu Jinluo made up an excuse to find out where she was.

"I'm not free right now." Yan Xi refused, let alone private matters, business matters were not to be discussed.

"Are you busy?" Gu Jinluo frowned.

"Ye Piaopiao's birthday is tomorrow, let's celebrate her birthday tonight." Yan Xi explained the reason.

Gu Jinluo was stunned. In fact, today is his birthday. Why didn't he think that she would celebrate his birthday for him.

"Is there anything else?" Yan Xi didn't hear him speak for a long time.

"Then I won't bother you guys. Don't play too late. If you get home and give me a call, just dial this number." Gu Jinluo warned.

"..." Yan Xi really couldn't figure out what he meant, why did she call him?
"Did you hear that?" Gu Jinluo's tone was a little heavy but soft.

"There is no need for this. I will definitely return home safely. Goodbye." Yan Xi hung up before he could speak.

Hua Cuo has been listening by the side, and based on her one-sided words, she can't guess who the other party is.He knew almost all of her friends.Who is calling her?He wanted to ask directly, but it didn't seem suitable for her to ask about her personal affairs.

"Changing lanes, turn left." Yan Xi reminded.

"Turn left? I thought it was the next intersection." Hua Cuo immediately changed lanes.


(End of this chapter)

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