I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 237 Piao Piao's Birthday 07

Chapter 237 Piao Piao's Birthday 07
After the song ended, twelve o'clock in the morning came, and the lights in the bar changed to colorful.

The cake that Qin Hao had prepared in advance was brought by the waiter and candles were lit.

He Qingshan chuckled and raised his glass to toast: "Piao Piao, I'm 28 years old, happy birthday."

"Director He, if you didn't reveal my age, I would be happier." Ye Piaopiao picked up the cup in return.

"Cousin, happy birthday, I wish you beauty forever, success in career and love, good mood every day!" Zhuang Xiaoxia raised her glass to toast.

"I like to hear that." Ye Piaopiao said with a smile.

"Piao Piao, happy birthday." Yan Xi smiled slightly, and only had a simple wish.

"Miss Ye, happy birthday." Yin Zimo, also not good at rhetoric, toasted with Yan Xi.

"I'm very happy today, thank you. Also, Zimo, you can call me Piao Piao." Ye Piaopiao's affirmation of Yin Zimo undoubtedly brought them closer.

"Miss Piao Piao." Yin Zimo smiled.

Ye Piaopiao blinked, but Yan Xi was unmoved, she couldn't figure out Yan Xi's attitude towards Yin Zimo?

"Piao Piao, happy birthday. I wish you a happy and happy birthday every day, and the old friend remains the same." Hua Cuo smiled sincerely, and under the dim light, he seemed like an outsider.

"Well, your words are a bit deep, thank you." Ye Piaopiao looked at the crowd, and suddenly felt a little bit, the world is often unpredictable, will the old man remain the same next year?
"My dear Miss Ye, happy birthday. In fact, I have known you for a year, but you have never known me. This is my first birthday with you. I hope you will have me in your future birthdays. "Qin Hao stared at her deeply, affectionately.

"Can I understand that you have a crush on me?" Ye Piaopiao raised his eyebrows.

"In fact it is." Qin Hao did not deny it.

Hearing this, Ye Piaopiao was very happy in her heart, she was a confident and proud person.

Next comes the link of making wishes, blowing out candles, cutting cakes, and presenting gifts.

"Qin Hao, where's your gift?" Zhuang Xiaoxia saw that everyone had given it, but Qin Hao didn't move yet.

"Here, I will send it separately." Qin Hao smiled mysteriously.

After eating the cake, it will be one o'clock in the morning.

When He Qingshan received a call from his wife, he was the first to sneak away and sent Zhuang Xiaoxia back by the way.

"Wait, I'll go to the bathroom first. Yan Xi, come with me." Zhuang Xiaoxia drank two glasses of juice, the consequences can be imagined.

Yan Xi got up and left, and accompanied Zhuang Xiaoxia to the bathroom.

There is no music in the restroom, it is very quiet.

"Yan Xi, are you not interested in Dr. Yin?" Zhuang Xiaoxia entered the cubicle, no matter how low her EQ was, she could tell, but Yan Xi was always indifferent, making it hard to guess.

"No, they're just friends." Yan Xi could only say that, there were some things that he couldn't explain to others.

"You don't want such high-quality stocks? What kind of man do you like?" Zhuang Xiaoxia was very curious. Yan Xi had never had any ambiguous men around her. She almost suspected that Yan Xi liked women.

Yan Xi doesn't want to continue this topic, so what can he do if he likes it, the unsuitable liking has no result, and even becomes a burden for each other.

"Do you like women?" Zhuang Xiaoxia came out of the cubicle and walked to the sink to wash her hands.

"You think too much." Yan Xi's lips twitched, where did Zhuang Xiaoxia come to this conclusion.

Zhuang Xiaoxia's expression was weird, she definitely didn't think too much, usually Yan Xi wouldn't take a second look at a handsome guy.

"Go back." Yan Xi left.

"I haven't wiped my hands yet." Zhuang Xiaoxia took out a tissue to wipe her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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