I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 238 Piao Piao's Birthday 08

Chapter 238 Piao Piao's Birthday 08
After leaving the bathroom, I saw a man and a woman arguing in the corridor.

The man was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, looking like a professional elite, but his attitude was not very good, he blocked the woman arbitrarily.

"Get out of the way!" The woman was a little drunk, her face was slightly red, and her tone was cold.

"Stop making trouble, I just let you have a drink with Mr. Shen, why are you angry?" The man grabbed the woman's hand.

"Let go!" Although the woman was drunk and a little unsteady, her mind was still clear.

"Don't be angry, Mr. Shen can't be offended, my project is just waiting for his nod." The man persuaded in a good voice.

"Enough, let go!" The woman struggled to break free from the man's hand.

The man's face was full of irritability, he was really angry, and he dragged the woman away.

"Yan Xi, is that beauty your colleague?" Zhuang Xiaoxia had some impressions, she met once a few days ago.

"Yeah." Yan Xi saw that it was Tian Na.

"She seems to be in trouble, do you want to go and have a look?" Zhuang Xiaoxia hesitated for a moment, she was not familiar with that beauty, so she didn't know if Yan Xi was familiar with her.

Yan Xi walked over and stopped the man.

Seeing the person coming, Tian Na was a little surprised and looked a bit embarrassed, obviously she didn't want to be seen by acquaintances.

"Sir, please let go." Yan Xi glanced at the man's hand.

"What's none of your business?" The man showed displeasure, and his tone was very harsh.

"Please let go." Yan Xi's tone was a little bit cold.

"Tina is my girlfriend, who are you?" The man immediately declared ownership.

"I'm her older sister." Yan Xi revealed his identity, although it was false.

The man's face changed, but he was only skeptical. He had never heard Tian Na say that she had a sister.

"Let go, or don't blame me for being rude." Yan Xi's voice was cold.

Maybe Yan Xi's momentum was too strong, the man's face was ugly, and he shook off Tian Na's hand unwillingly.

Tian Na was wearing high heels and almost fell, Yan Xi took advantage of the situation to support her.

Zhuang Xiaoxia's eyes widened suddenly, is this a hero saving the beauty?Now she has reason to believe that Yan Xi likes women.

"Tina! You will regret it!" The man put down his harsh words, and finally left angrily.

Zhuang Xiaoxia stared at the man's back and whispered something scumbag!
Tian Na heard it, she lowered her head, unable to see her expression clearly.

"Xiaoxia, I'll take her back, I'll go first." Yan Xi couldn't just leave Tian Na behind.

"Do you want to call Hua Cuo or Doctor Yin to send you off? Or call the supervisor." Zhuang Xiaoxia saw that Tian Na was quite drunk.

"No, say goodbye to them for me." Yan Xi felt that there was no need for everyone to see Tian Na.

"Really don't need it?" Zhuang Xiaoxia had a strange expression on her face. This girl is very beautiful and she is drunk again. Will Yan Xi take advantage of her?

"No need." Yan Xi helped Tian Na to leave.

Zhuang Xiaoxia was very excited, looking at the figures of the two leaning together, how could they be so coordinated.


Walking out of the bar, it was already one o'clock in the morning, and it was windy tonight, and the temperature dropped in the middle of the night.

Having drank a lot of wine just now, Tian Na almost fell to the side of the road because of her drinking strength.

Yan Xi helped her steady.

Tian Na leaned against Yan Xi, she raised her head, her vision gradually blurred, but Yan Xi's calm face could still be seen.

"Secretary Tian, ​​I'll take you home. Do you live in Xinghui Garden?"

Yan Xi had seen Tian Na's resume before, and remembered the address on the resume, but he didn't know if it was Tian Na's current address.

"Well, Sanzhu, 801, thank you..." Tian Na's voice was weak, and she also realized that she couldn't go back alone.

Yan Xi called a taxi and took Tian Na to Xinghui Garden.

All the security guards at Xinghui Garden recognized Tian Na, and Yan Xi sent Tian Na home smoothly.

He rang the doorbell, but no one answered the door. It is estimated that Tian Na lives alone.

So he found the key from Tian Na's handbag, opened the door and went in.

Turn on the lights, it is a carat apartment, plain tones, clean, simple, in line with Tian Na's personality.

There is only one bedroom in the carat apartment, and Tian Na was helped to the bed, and Tian Na fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed.

Yan Xi was not very good at taking care of others, so he helped Tian Na take off her shoes, wiped off the makeup on her face with a wet towel, covered her with a quilt, and then turned on the air conditioner to 25 degrees, good night.

It's over, let's go.


Yan Xi called a taxi to go home again, and not long after returning home, he received consecutive calls from Yin Zimo and Hua Cuo, and there was another troublesome person.

"Are you home?" Gu Jinluo asked eagerly, he had been waiting for her call for a long time.


"Why didn't you call me when you got home?" Gu Jinluo was a little annoyed. It was already two o'clock in the morning and she still didn't call him!
"Do you want me to help you with your personal affairs?" Yan Xi asked.


"Is there anything else?" Yan Xi asked again.

"..." He's fine, she's the one who's busy, and doesn't come home in the middle of the night!
"Hang up, good night, no, enjoy your dinner." Yan Xi hung up.


(End of this chapter)

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