I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 239 Piao Piao's Birthday 09

Chapter 239 Piao Piao's Birthday 09
On the next Sunday, Yan Xi rested at home, went out to buy something in the evening, and ran into trouble after leaving Tianhe Xiaoyuan.

"Miss Yan, Mr. Lu is here to invite you." Two bodyguards in suits and leather shoes came out of the car and stopped Yan Xi.

"Which Mr. Lu?" Yan Xi frowned.

"Mr. Lu Li, Mr. Lu ordered that Ms. Yan must be invited." The bodyguard's words were clearly threatening.

Another bodyguard opened the door of the back seat and made a gesture of invitation.

"Miss Yan, please get in the car."

Yan Xi didn't speak, got into the car, took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

The bodyguard closed the door, started the car and sped away.

When the car stopped, it was already dark and the neon lights on the side of the road lit up.

Wine club.

The largest private wine club in Jingyang City, an industry under the Haina Group.

The bodyguard didn't go in, but stood by the door and pushed open the mahogany carved door.

What catches the eye is the luxurious and elegant lobby, all decorated with mahogany carvings, light golden crystal chandeliers, various silver utensils, large oil paintings, old Big Ben, etc., but there is no one guest, it is very quiet .

"Miss Yan, please." A waiter in a black suit came to lead the way.

Yan Xi walked in with the waiter.

The hall was cold and silent, only the sound of footsteps on the mahogany floor.

Step up the stairs and go to the wine tasting room on the third floor, where the dim lights create a strong retro dark style.

There is a vase in the center of the long table, and there is a red rose in the vase, the flower color is darker and more colorful than ordinary red roses.

The waiter withdrew, and there were only two people left in the huge wine room.

Lu Li stood in front of the window, with a tall and lonely back, the years did not leave him old, but left vicissitudes and indifference.

It wasn't until he heard footsteps that Lu Li slowly turned around. Just as he saw, Yan Xi and his wife had nothing in common.

"Miss Yan, please sit down."

"Mr. Lu, you're being polite. What's the matter with Mr. Lu?" Yan Xi remained motionless, his eyes open.

"Should Ms. Yan give me an explanation?" Lu Li said with a gentle and indifferent tone.

Yan Xi hadn't spoken yet, at this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside.

"Sir, Mr. Nick is here." The bodyguard walked in quickly to report.

As soon as the bodyguard finished speaking, Mr. Nick had already arrived.

"Miss Yan, I was looking for you." Nick strode in.

"Mr. Nick, long time no see." Yan Xi smiled lightly.

"Not long ago, I only saw Miss Yan at the reception last month, but at that time Miss Yan was surrounded by men, so she didn't notice me."

Nick's hearty voice echoed in the room, coupled with his humorous words, the cold atmosphere was instantly relieved.

"Mr. Nick knows Ms. Yan?" A strange look flashed in Lu Li's eyes. It seemed that the matter was more complicated than he imagined.

"Hehe, Ms. Yan is a sixth-level employee of Antidick Company. I have known Ms. Yan for a long time." Nick laughed.

"Miss Yan is really surprising." Lu Li looked at Yan Xi, he was indeed surprised.

Antarctica (also known as Antarctica) is the world's most influential drug research and development company, with subsidiaries all over the world. On the surface, it is a drug research and development company, but secretly conducts illegal research and development of biochemical viruses, biological weapons, and prohibited drugs.

"As for the explosion in Mr. Lu's wine cellar, Mr. Lu doesn't have to doubt Ms. Yan." Nick came here because he received a call from Yan Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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