Chapter 241: Lily Has Love 01
At six o'clock in the afternoon, when it was time to get off work, Ye Piaopiao went to the maintenance department to look for Zhuang Xiaoxia, and Qin Hao went to the maintenance department to look for Ye Piaopiao.

Zhuang Xiaoxia can't get off work yet, a batch of computer parts was late just now, she missed get off work today by mistake, and all the male employees in the maintenance department are off work, and they couldn't find anyone to help move them up temporarily, so they had to trouble Qin Hao.

"Where do you put things?" Qin Hao came in carrying a big box.

"Put it in the small warehouse." Zhuang Xiaoxia opened the warehouse door.

"It's quite heavy. Do you usually lift it up by yourself?" Qin Hao put the thing down. He didn't think it was heavy, but it was a bit heavy for a lady.

"When there were no male employees in the office, these things were usually done by mistake. There used to be Yan Xi." Zhuang Xiaoxia closed the warehouse door, and most of the employees in the maintenance department were only in the office when they were free.

"Can Yan Xi move it?" Qin Hao was surprised, how could Yan Xi carry the box with such an elegant figure?
"You don't know, Yan Xi has great strength." Ye Piaopiao said, she also felt strange at first, but later she learned that Yan Xi exercises almost every day.

Qin Hao didn't quite believe it, he really couldn't see how strong Yan Xi was.

Ye Piaopiao took a bottle of mineral water and threw it to him: "I'll reward you for being so attentive."

Qin Hao happily took the mineral water, opened it and drank it.

"Qin Hao's labor is really cheap, it's only worth a bottle of mineral water." Zhuang Xiaoxia was browsing the webpage, and just halfway through, the computer accessories arrived.

"Zhuang Xiaoxia, what the hell are you looking at? Women's love?" Ye Piaopiao glanced at it twice, and continued watching after get off work.

"What the hell are you looking at! I discovered a very serious problem." Zhuang Xiaoxia looked serious.

"What's the problem?" Ye Piaopiao looked at the screen page, what about same-sex love, love between women and girls?

"Yan Xi likes women." Zhuang Xiaoxia looked serious.

"Cough! Cough cough!" Qin Hao choked and almost wet his shirt.

"..." Ye Piaopiao didn't understand for a while.

"You don't believe it?" Zhuang Xiaoxia saw the reaction of the two.

"You said that Yan Xi is... a homosexual? Hehe, thank you for being able to figure it out." Ye Piaopiao was amused. Although Yan Xi didn't have any male friends around him, it seemed that he only had Huacuo, but it didn't mean that Yan Xi liked women.

"I have a basis. Yan Xi has never dated, even a man like Yin Zimo, Yan Xi doesn't like him." Zhuang Xiaoxia expressed her opinion.

"Maybe there are better men pursuing Secretary Yan." Qin Hao smiled narrowly, and the CEO was pursuing Yan Xi.

"Assuming this possibility exists, let me ask you now, if a man who is more handsome, more talented, richer in family background, and better in character than Yin Zimo pursues Yan Xi, do you think Yan Xi will accept it?" Zhuang Xiaoxia asked.

Qin Hao couldn't answer for a while, because he didn't know Yan Xi very well, but he felt that Yan Xi should not be a flashy person.

"No." Ye Piaopiao said with certainty.

"So, this is no longer a question of vision, but a question of sexual orientation." Zhuang Xiaoxia concluded.

"This seems to make sense." Ye Piaopiao was thoughtful, really unable to imagine what kind of man Yan Xi would like.

"It's unlikely." Qin Hao still didn't believe it.

"How can it be impossible? You should know that now, Lily has love, is innocent, and does not break through gender and secular barriers for the sake of reproduction." Zhuang Xiaoxia, as a senior rotten girl, is very happy to see her success.

"I don't support homosexuality, but I don't oppose it either. I think with Yanxi's personality, if she likes someone, she doesn't care whether the person is a man or a woman. Of course, I hope Yanxi likes a man. After all, two women It's awkward to be together." Ye Piaopiao doesn't quite understand the current rotten girl, maybe she is old.

"Where is the awkwardness? I don't know how much love is there! The night before yesterday at the bar, when Yan Xi and I went to the bathroom, we met Yan Xi's colleague. I had never seen Yan Xi so cold and imposing until that woman leaned on In Yan Xi's arms, Yan Xi instantly became gentle..." Zhuang Xiaoxia recounted what happened the night before.

"Really?" Qin Hao was shocked.

"Why lie to you?" Zhuang Xiaoxia said angrily.

"You said that woman is Yan Xi's colleague and also an employee of the company?" Qin Hao felt that it was necessary to inquire.

"That's right. Cousin, you've seen it before. Last Tuesday, we were waiting for Yan Xi downstairs. It was the woman who came out of the elevator with Yan Xi. You said that she was handsome and beautiful." Zhuang Xiaoxia was wearing glasses at the time. I can see clearly.

"Tian Na, the president's secretary." Ye Piaopiao remembered that she and Tian Na had nothing to do with each other, but they met occasionally.

"The same is the president's secretary. There are too many intersections. Maybe it's just like this." Zhuang Xiaoxia chuckled.

The corner of Qin Hao's lips twitched, he couldn't imagine Tian Na and Yan Xi together.

Moreover, Tian Na is a bit arrogant, very capable, and has a serious attitude towards work. In other words, she is dedicated, even unreasonable, as if she has no special friendship with anyone.


(End of this chapter)

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