Chapter 242: Lily Has Love 02
On Tuesday morning, Qin Hao returned to the office, considering whether to report to his boss what happened at noon.

If Yan Xi really likes women, wouldn't it be useless to be a boss, then there is no point in wasting time on Yan Xi.

Knock, knock on the door.

"Come in." Qin Hao straightened his posture.

"Assistant Qin, the content of tomorrow's meeting." Tian Na put the document directly on the desk without saying a word of nonsense.

"Well, okay." Qin Hao's eyes lingered on Tian Na, and he took a closer look. In fact, Tian Na looks pretty and gentle, but her personality is a bit cold and her expression is very professional, which makes people feel difficult to get along with.

Noticing Qin Hao's gaze, Tian Na frowned slightly: "Is there any problem?"

Qin Hao immediately looked away: "It's nothing. By the way, are you getting along with Secretary Yan?"

"Why do you ask like that?" Tian Na didn't want to answer any personal questions, but the person Qin Hao asked was Yan Xi.

"Because there may be personnel transfers recently." The meaning in Qin Hao's words was very cryptic, and he deliberately made it ambiguous.

Hearing this, Tian Na immediately thought of layoffs. Although there was a competitive relationship with Yan Xi, she and Yan Xi basically had no unnecessary interaction except for business, but Yan Xi was serious and rigorous in his work, and he was cold and reticent, at least he would not insinuate.

"I get along with Secretary Yan very happily, more than anyone else." Tian Na said seriously.

When Qin Hao heard this, he immediately felt that something was wrong. Tian Na was very professional, she would not exaggerate her words, nor would she be double-faced, so Tian Na's evaluation of Yan Xi was true.

"Is there any question?" Even though Tian Na is used to observing words and expressions, she still doesn't understand what Qin Hao means.

"It's nothing. I will read the content of the meeting, thank you." Qin Hao picked up the file.

Tian Na turned and left without saying a word.

Qin Hao was very entangled, why did he inadvertently disclose this matter to his boss?
He knows that his boss has too many personal affairs, and people who know too much usually end badly.

Just when he was struggling, the working group on the computer screen had a message prompt.

Qin Hao clicked on the message and saw that the CEO chatted with him privately?
Qin Hao replied immediately: "I'm in the office."

"Did you guys hang out last Saturday night?"

Qin Hao was taken aback. He hadn't told the president about it yet. How did the president know?

Moreover, the president asked him about his personal affairs during working hours, so this private matter should be very important to the president.

"Yes, it's Manager Ye's birthday from the human resources department. We went to Kaman's Bar together. Hua Cuo and Yin Zimo were there, but that's not the point..." Qin Hao definitely didn't pause on purpose, but he didn't know how to express it.

"Say." Gu Jinluo grew impatient and sent a word directly.

"First of all, from the way Secretary Yan and Yin Zimo get along, Secretary Yan clearly stated that she is not interested in Yin Zimo, but that Yin Zimo is just in love. Then, since everyone knew Secretary Yan, Secretary Yan has never had a boyfriend..." As for whether he had a girlfriend, he didn't know.

"What do you want to express?" Gu Jinluo couldn't find the point.

Qin Hao began to type in words. Since the process was too complicated and it was difficult for him to express, he revised and revised.

Gu Jinluo looked at the dialogue window. Qin Hao had been typing. After waiting for about 10 minutes, he saw a paragraph of text that was as long as a report.

"At Kaman's Bar, Secretary Yan met Secretary Tian who was drunk. At that time, Secretary Tian's scumbag boyfriend was pestering Secretary Tian..." Qin Hao recounted the incident, which was told by Zhuang Xiaoxia.

However, Gu Jinluo browsed through it twice. Was it because Qin Hao didn't express himself clearly, or did he have a problem with his understanding?
"What is your conclusion?"

"It's not my conclusion. It's said by Secretary Yan's friend. She specializes in love between men and women and love between women and women, commonly known as rotten women."

Qin Hao suddenly thought, the boss's rival in love is Tian Na, the boss was pried into a corner by Tian Na?
After waiting for a long time, there was no reply from the boss.

Qin Hao couldn't help laughing, he didn't know how his boss was feeling now.


(End of this chapter)

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