Chapter 244: Lily Has Love 04
When it was time to get off work at noon, Tian Na packed up ahead of time, because she knew that Yan Xi usually got off work on time.

The two went to the udon noodle restaurant in the department store. It was the rush hour, so it was difficult to find a seat, and sometimes they had to wait.

"Yan Xi?" Zhuang Xiaoxia and Ye Piaopiao looked surprised. They got off work early and came to this restaurant for lunch.

"What a coincidence." Yan Xi was not surprised.

Seeing Tian Na next to her, Zhuang Xiaoxia and Ye Piaopiao glanced at each other, it turned out that Yan Xi didn't have lunch with them at noon, but was with this beauty.

Ye Piaopiao said with a smile: "It's hard to find a seat now, if you don't mind, just sit here, we haven't ordered yet."

Zhuang Xiaoxia immediately moved her position.

Tian Na heard this, she couldn't refuse, so she looked at Yan Xi, after all, this is Yan Xi's friend.

"Is it okay?" Yan Xi was also asking for Tian Na's opinion.

"Yes." Tian Na nodded.

So, the two sat down.

Zhuang Xiaoxia stared at Tian Na fiercely until she was kicked by Ye Piaopiao.

"Ye Piaopiao from the Human Resources Department, Zhuang Xiaoxia from the Maintenance Department. This is Tian Na from the Administration Department." Yan Xi briefly introduced a few people, maybe everyone knows each other, but not deeply.

"Hi, you can call me Xiaoxia. How do I call you? Xiaona? Nana? Sister Na?" Zhuang Xiaoxia is young and has little experience in the company. In addition, she is only a "bottom staff" on the fifth floor in the company, while Tian Na is the senior executive of the administration department on the 27th floor, so it is not an exaggeration to call Tian Na sister Na.

"You can just call me Tina." Tian Na smiled slightly, Yan Xi's friends seemed to be very easy-going, and they had met Ye Piaopiao before, but they were not familiar with them.

"Tina, you can call me Piao Piao." Ye Piaopiao looked at Tian Na secretly, and then she officially met Tian Na. She used to call her Secretary Tian before. As far as she knew, Qin Hao and Tian Na worked together. There should be quite a lot of intersection.

"Okay." Tian Na was also secretly looking at Ye Piaopiao. She had heard some rumors about the relationship between Ye Piaopiao and Qin Hao.

"We have chosen, you choose." Ye Piaopiao pushed the menu card to Tian Na next to her.

"Thank you." Tian Na took the menu, pushed it to Yan Xi who was in front, and said, "You choose first."

Yan Xi flipped through the menu, quickly chose the menu, and returned the menu to Tian Na.

Seeing this, Ye Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia kept making eye contact.

After ordering, Zhuang Xiaoxia started chatting: "Tina, I haven't seen you before. I've only joined the company for less than a year. How long have you been with the company?"

"It's been almost five years." Tian Na is 27 years old this year. She was an intern in the company before graduation. After graduation, she formally signed a contract and climbed to the position of secretary to the president.

"That's a long time. I change jobs almost every year, and the longest is only two years." Ye Piaopiao has only been in the company for almost two years, and it is not easy to be promoted to the position of manager.

Tian Na also thought about changing jobs. She doesn't like the position of secretary very much, but she can't do it yet. As the president's secretary, she can learn a lot. In addition, it is difficult to find a job with a higher salary than the current one. She urgently needs money.

The chatterbox opened up, and everyone was in the same company again, so there were more topics to talk about, and the lunch was quite enjoyable.

When paying the bill, Ye Piaopiao and the others always pay AA.

So, when Tian Na paid Yan Xi's share and Yan Xi was indifferent, both Ye Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia were stunned. Has it developed to this level?
Ye Piaopiao looked at the two of them: "Let's go downstairs for a stroll, are you going back to the company?"

Yan Xi sought Tian Na's opinion and asked, "Are you going back to the company?"

Tian Na thought that she was not familiar with Yan Xi's friend after all, so she said, "I still have some things to do, I'll go back to the company."

"I'll go back too." Yan Xi was really indifferent to shopping.

After saying goodbye, Yan Xi and Tian Na left.

Looking at their backs, Ye Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia's eyes were filled with disbelief.

"I don't want to believe it." Ye Piaopiao still couldn't believe it, and always felt a little awkward. Tian Na was good at everything, but she was always a woman.

"I'd like to believe it." Zhuang Xiaoxia's eyes lit up, and the more she looked at it, the more she was right.


(End of this chapter)

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