Chapter 245: Lily Has Love 05
Yan Xi and Tian Na walked out of the department store. The two of them never talked much, except for business affairs, they hardly communicated with each other.

"The company may have personnel transfers recently." Tian Na reminded, Qin Hao hinted, and the president also vaguely expressed his dissatisfaction with Yan Xi, and recently the president assigned her all the work of the secretary, Yan Xi seemed to have nothing to do.

"Really?" Yan Xi never paid attention to the company's affairs.

"The president has some criticisms for you." Tian Na said tactfully, hoping that Yan Xi could change it, otherwise he might be fired.

"Really?" Yan Xi really didn't know what to say.

"Aren't you worried?" Tian Na looked at Yan Xi, and seeing Yan Xi acting as if nothing had happened, she was worried about her.

"Don't worry." Yan Xi didn't care.

"Aren't you afraid of being fired?" Tian Na couldn't understand, the salary of the president's secretary is high, the treatment is good, and there are many people competing for this position.

"I follow the company's decision." Yan Xi said that if necessary, she would apply for resignation.

Tian Na was speechless. Could it be that Yan Xi's family is rich?But Yan Xi has never seen any luxury items, even his clothes are ordinary.

Walking downstairs of the Shengshi Building, Tian Na didn't pay attention, her high heels stepped on the gutter cover, and the heel got stuck in the groove of the gutter cover, and she fell forward.

"Be careful!" Yan Xi immediately supported Tian Na.

Tian Na was extremely embarrassed, and fell on Yan Xi's body again, and due to the height difference, she just leaned on Yan Xi's shoulder.

"What are you doing!" Suddenly, there was a cold and angry shout.

Yan Xi and Tian Na looked up and saw Gu Jinluo walking quickly.


Yan Xi and Tian Na spoke in unison, maintaining a still posture because Tian Na couldn't move.

"What are you doing?" Gu Jinluo's eyes were cold, and he still didn't separate? !
"I, I seem to have sprained my ankle." Tian Na was taken aback. She had never seen the president so angry. Why was the president angry?
Gu Jinluo froze for a moment, then glanced to the ground, and saw Tian Na's heel stuck in the groove of the gutter cover.

It's not right for Tian Na to walk, it's not right if she doesn't walk, she can't take off her high heels and walk barefoot.

"Wait, I'll call someone." Gu Jinluo was about to call the security guard.

"No. Lift your feet." Yan Xi leaned down and moved the high heels slowly: "The two ends of the groove of the gutter cover are curved, so it's easy to catch the heels. If you pull them out forcibly, the heels may be pulled off. Move the heel a little, the slot is wider in the middle and it's easier to remove the heel."

After finishing speaking, Yan Xi had already taken out the shoes.

"Thank you." Tian Na looked surprised and grateful.

Gu Jinluo's face was tense. This kind of thing should be done by a man like him.

But he had never dealt with the problem of the high heels stuck in the gutter cover, and he didn't know how to take out the high heels in this way.

He was very upset that Yan Xi was more gentlemanly than him.

Tian Na put on the high heels again, but her ankle was sprained, it was red and swollen, and it was difficult for her to walk.

"I'll help you to the infirmary." Yan Xi said.

"I don't need you. I'll help Secretary Tian." Gu Jinluo took a step forward and extended his noble hand.

"No, no need, Secretary Yan can help me back." Tian Na was shocked, she didn't dare to ask the president to help her back.

So, Yan Xi helped Tian Na to leave.

Gu Jinluo's face was gloomy, and Gaogui's hands were still in a stalemate.

Finally, Gu Jinluo followed to the infirmary.

In the infirmary, the atmosphere was cold.

Since the top leader of the company was here, the medical staff were in high spirits and almost gave Tian Na a full-body examination.

"How is it?" Gu Jinluo spoke.

"It's not a big problem. I just sprained my ankle. I didn't hurt any muscles or bones. Don't wear high heels these days." The medical staff was rubbing Tian Na's feet with medicinal wine.

After treating the foot injury, Yan Xi helped Tian Na back to the administration department.

Afterwards, Gu Jinluo personally sent the two of them to the administration department before returning to the office.

When it was time for work, Gu Jinluo received a message from Qin Hao: Secretary Tian and Secretary Yan had dinner together at noon, and it was Secretary Tian who paid the bill.

Gu Jinluo replied: How do you know?

Qin Hao replied: They met Ye Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia in the restaurant, so they got together, Secretary Tian only helped Secretary Yan to check out, Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia are both AA.

Qin Hao's heart is full of bad intentions. He seems to be suspected of fanning the flames. He doesn't know how the president is feeling now.

Ten minutes later, the company sent a car to take Tian Na home to rest and take a paid vacation for a week.

Tian Na was stunned, her minor injury would not allow her to take a vacation, and it was only a week?
Even though Tian Na is on vacation, Yan Xi still doesn't have much work to do, and she only needs an hour to complete the work assigned to her by her boss.

Qin Hao was also confused, why did Tian Na leave all of Tian Na's work in his hands when she was on vacation?

Shooting himself in the foot, Qin Hao had been busy all afternoon, he shouldn't have told the president about today's lunch.


(End of this chapter)

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