Chapter 246: Lily Has Love 06
On Friday afternoon, when it was time to get off work, Lan Muge came and went directly to the administration department, but didn't go in.

The side of the main entrance of the administrative department is completely blocked by floor-to-ceiling glass, so you can see the situation inside at a glance.

Yan Xi's office was in the corner near the door, which was blocked by a wall just now.

Lan Muge took a look outside, her profile was very slender, her sitting posture was very dignified, her fingers kept tapping on the keyboard, her fingertips were fast, focused and serious.

Who said that men at work are the most attractive, and women at work are also very attractive.

She seems very busy and can't see the computer screen, what is she doing?
Lan Muge pressed against the glass, aiming and aiming.

Finally, I probably saw the computer screen.

Lan Muge was stunned for a moment, no wonder her hand speed was so fast, it turned out that she was playing Tetris blind typing.

"Master Lan?"

"Hi, Jenny!" Lan Muge immediately corrected her stance and greeted her casually.

"What is Young Master Lan looking at?" Jenny smiled sweetly. From this angle, it was Yan Xi's office!
"It's nothing, are you off work?" Lan Muge looked at his watch, and it was six o'clock in two minutes.

"It's almost there, go back and pack now, I'm leaving first." Zhen Ni waved her hand and walked into the office of the administration department.

At six o'clock in the evening, the employees in the administrative department are generally not in a hurry to get off work.

Yan Xi was the first to step out of the office.

"Hi, Yan Xi." Lan Muge dressed more casually today, wearing a shirt with slacks and a pair of fashionable sneakers.

"Mr. Lan." Yan Xi glanced at him.

"Are you off work?" Lan Muge smiled kindly, even though he was rejected many times before, he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

"Well, I'll be leaving first, bye." Yan Xi walked towards the elevator.

"I'm going down too." Lan Muge walked to her side naturally.

Yan Xi didn't show his face, Lan Muge wouldn't come to the administration department for no reason, and he didn't have to take the staff elevator with her. Did he wait for her on purpose?
"I saw you playing Tetris just now." Lan Muge suddenly approached her and said in a low voice.

"..." Yan Xi was unmoved, so what.

"Actually, I also like playing Tetris." Lan Muge laughed.

"..." Yan Xi was still indifferent, so what.

"I'm also good at blind typing." Lan Muge wasn't boasting, he had played the game for so many years.

"Oh..." Yan Xi really didn't know how to respond to him.

"Do you have an account? I'll add you as a friend to play with." Lan Muge felt his presence again.

"I'm just bored to play for a while." Yan Xi really doesn't play often.

"It doesn't matter, what is your account?" Lan Muge asked, playing Tetris can be played alone, but it is fun to play together.

Yan Xi told him the account number, this is a chance to get close to Lan Muge.

"Do you still play other games?" Lan Muge was in a happy mood, and finally found a breakthrough point to get close to her.

"Occasionally, I also play online games." Yan Xi guessed in his heart that with Lan Muge's personality, he should be able to play online games.

"I also play online games. What online games do you like to play?" Lan Muge was very pleasantly surprised. She did not expect that she and him had the same hobbies.

"Era of Beacon, Counter-Strike, Call of Duty, etc." Yan Xi guessed that Lan Muge would like to play such games.

"What a coincidence, I also play! Tell me your account number, and I'll add you as a friend!" Lan Muge was a little excited. She is so quiet and elegant, but she also likes to play such a passionate game. This kind of person must be very boring. Oh my god, the sullen Yan Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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