Chapter 248: Lily Has Love 08
Lan Muge and Yan Xi played until they lost all their game coins, and it was already past ten o'clock.

"Yan Xi, you are amazing!" Lan Muge was greatly shocked, but he was very happy, and he hadn't come to the game hall to play games for a long time.

"You are also very good." Yan Xi said, it could be seen that Lan Muge often played games.

"Before I met you, I also thought I was pretty good." Lan Muge smiled, she no longer resisted him, it turned out that it is very important to do what he likes.

"It's late, I'm going home." Yan Xi looked at his watch, it was ten twenty.

"I'll take you home, we'll play again next time. Are you free tomorrow weekend?" Use this to learn more.

"I usually rest at home on weekends." Yan Xi understood his intention, in fact, she didn't need to rest, but she was not in a hurry.

"Well, where do you usually like to go to play?" Although he has known her for a long time, she has always been indifferent, and he has no understanding of her living habits at all.

"Usually surfing the Internet or playing games at home."

"So you're a house girl, I can't tell. I thought you like reading books, going to concerts and so on." Lan Muge was a little surprised. A woman like Yan Xi looks very intellectual and elegant.

Yan Xi occasionally reads a book, but as for going to a concert, she really doesn't understand the mood and will only waste a ticket.

"Do you like sports? Your figure is very beautiful." Lan Muge's eyes turned around her body. She has a proud figure, and the lines of her exposed arms are very beautiful, which are the lines of exercise.

Faced with Lan Muge's scrutinizing eyes, Yan Xi acted very naturally: "I like it better, I usually do sports."

Lan Muge's eyes lit up: "We have common hobbies. I also like sports. What kind of sports do you like? Volleyball? Golf? Horseback riding? Shooting?"

"What you said happens to be involved." Although it's been a long time since I played, it shouldn't be too bad.

Chatting all the way, went to the parking lot, Lan Muge sent Yan Xi to Tianhe Xiaoyuan.

"Goodbye." Yan Xi got out of the car.

"I'll take you up." Lan Muge got out of the car immediately.

"No, I'm leaving first." Yan Xi left.

Lan Muge watched her back, but didn't chase after her, for fear of acting too hastily.

Now after we have shared hobbies with her, I realized that she is also very good at talking.

In the past, it wasn't that she was too cold, it wasn't that he was unattractive, but that he didn't have the same interests.


This weekend, Yan Xi was playing games at home. She hadn't played some games before, so she practiced first.

Then I bought several high-level game accounts online, and then sent the accounts to Lan Muge.

On Saturday night, when Yan Xi was about to take a shower, he received a call from Hua Cuo.

"Yan Xi, are you free tomorrow?" Hua Cuo's voice was long and magnetic, not as deep or deep as ordinary male voices, it was very unique and seductive.

"No." She will continue playing games tomorrow.

"Is something wrong?"

"rest at home."

"In this way, why don't I go to your house tomorrow, I can buy vegetables and cook, clean up by the way, and you can rest in peace."

"Don't come." Yan Xi refused without hesitation, he would only affect her playing games.

"Your answer makes me sad, I'm so bored by myself." Hua Cuo's tone was full of disappointment.

"You can find other friends." Yan Xi said, except for Yun Su, there was no one around Hua Cuo.

"I came to Jingyang City alone, with no friends."

"Why did you come to Jingyang City alone? Where's your family?" Yan Xi asked casually, but he couldn't find out what family members Hua Cuo had.

Hua Cuo was silent for a moment, with a slow voice: "I have no family."

Although he didn't know if Hua Mi's words were true or not, Yan Xi apologized: "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, are you going to bed?" Hua mistakenly looked at the time, it was less than ten o'clock.

"Well, I'm going to take a shower."

"Then you go take a shower, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Yan Xi hung up, dropped the phone, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Although she had already hung up, Hua Cuo still silently said to the phone, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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