Chapter 249: Lily Has Love 09
Monday morning.

Yan Xi quickly completed the work assigned by his boss and had nothing to do, so he downloaded the game "Beacon Era".

"Beacon Era" is an online game released by the game company under Xingyu Group. It is a very popular online game now.

Logged into the game account of "Beacon Era OL", there are unread messages displayed.

[System] Message: You have no time to request to add you as a friend, accept or reject?

You have no time?I'm busy?
Yan Xi clicked to accept.

[System] Message: You and Jun Wuxia have become friends!
[Friend] Jun Wuxia: I won't tell A Luo that you play games during working hours.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: Apart from thank you, what else can I say.

Yan Xi, wearing the name of Lone Traveler, chatted with him.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Didn't you join the guild?
[Friend] Lone Traveler: Otherwise, how can I call it a Lone Traveler.

The Lone Traveler account was bought the day before yesterday, and she hadn't played "Beacon Era" before. She just tried it on the weekend, and of course she didn't join the guild.

Yan Xi clicked on Jun Wuxia's attribute, full level, with shiny equipment, and the leader of the Red Blood League.

From the opening of "Beacon Era" to the present, the Beacon Continent has gradually evolved to be dominated by four major gangs, of which the Red Blood League is the strongest gang, no, it should be the richest gang.

Because most of the players in the Red Blood League are rich.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Do you really not consider joining the guild?
[Friend] Lone Traveler: Not considering it for now.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: May I know the reason?

[Friend] Lone Walker: Can I understand that you are inviting me to join your Red Blood Alliance?

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Correct answer, sincere invitation.

[Friend] Lone Walker: Wait until I reach the full level.

The number Lone Walker is only level 22, and its strength attributes are neither strong nor weak. If you join the Red Blood Alliance, you will act as a soldier.

Of course, Yan Xi didn't reject Lan Muge for this reason, but because her purpose couldn't be too obvious.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: I'll take you to brush up the dungeon.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: Let’s talk in the evening, I have to work now, goodbye.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: I'll wait for you.

Yan Xi went offline, not to work, she logged into another account, and then asked someone to refresh the dungeon, she is currently a rookie.

Yan Xi switched the page instantly when he saw Qin Hao approaching.

"Yan Xi, are you busy?" Qin Hao is so busy that his head hurts, Tian Na has been on vacation for a week, and she hasn't come to work yet, so the secretary is just a idle job!
"Not busy, what's the matter?" Yan Xi looked at Qin Hao.

"Can you help me make a cup of tea for the president?" Qin Hao looked helpless, the president disliked the bad tea he made, Tian Na and Yan Xi always made these.

"Yes." Yan Xi got up and left, and went up to the 29th floor with Qin Hao.

The tea room on the 29th floor is the most luxurious in the company. It is simply a small tea room, and all kinds of drinks and snacks are very luxurious.

"I'll take the tea after it's brewed. Don't tell the president that you made the tea." Qin Hao said with a smile. The process of making tea before him was very simple, just put a tea bag in it.

"Yeah." Yan Xi took out a can of green tea from the cabinet.

"Green tea? The president always drinks Sri Lankan black tea, or Santos coffee." Qin Hao was a little stunned, as if he had never seen the president drink green tea.

"I don't know, so black tea." Yan Xi put the tea pot back and replaced it with black tea.

Qin Hao couldn't help being surprised, the president seemed to indulge Yan Xi too much, he didn't arrange work for her, and he didn't even correct her for making tea wrong all the time.

Yan Xi took out an appropriate amount of tea leaves, washed them with warm water first, filtered them, and then brewed them with water at a temperature of about 80 degrees.

Qin Hao watched her meticulous tea making process, people who are in the mood to make tea are generally more particular, especially Yan Xi, who is dignified and indifferent.

"Yan Xi, I think you are very particular about life."

"Then you read it wrong." Yan Xi's private life is very casual, even vulgar.

"Really?" Qin Hao's lips twitched. Was she joking?This joke is too cold.

After a while, Yan Xi finished making the tea, and put a cup of steaming black tea in front of Qin Hao.

"Thank you." Qin Hao smiled.

"You're welcome." Yan Xi replied, then left.

Hearing Yan Xi's polite words and looking at her posture, Qin Hao suddenly felt that Yan Xi was not ordinary indifference, but indifference to the surrounding things.

People with this personality seldom like anything, so it's not surprising that Yan Xi doesn't like the president.

The most important thing is that Yan Xi and the president don't belong to the right family, and the difference in family background is too great.

However, it is not impossible for Cinderella to marry into a wealthy family.And he feels that the president is rigorous, never kidding, and should treat feelings very seriously.


(End of this chapter)

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