Chapter 250: Lily Has Love 10
Tian Na was on vacation for a week, and her sprained ankle has already healed. During this period, she went back to her hometown, and returned to work on time on Tuesday.

Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief, finally he could return the job of secretary to Tian Na.

After Tian Na came back, Yan Xi was more free, always playing games during working hours.

Because of Jun Wuxia, the big boss, and Yan Xi's good skills, the Lone Walker's game level rose very quickly.

It is estimated that after two weeks of brushing, the full level will be reached.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Are you busy with work?
[Friend] Lone Walker: Never busier than Xingyu's CEO.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Actually, I am very free on weekends.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: Are you dating me?

Lan Muge laughed, she has always been so humorous, before it was cold humor, now it is witty humor, he almost wondered if the lone traveler was her.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Completely correct.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: I'm not free this weekend.

It's not that Yan Xi is not free, it's just that she is not in a hurry, she has always been very patient.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: May I know the reason why you are not free?

[Friend] Lone Traveler: There is something at home.I'm going to work, bye.

After sending this message, the account of Lone Traveler will be offline.

When Yan Xi went to the tea room, there was a male employee there, and it was Gao Feng, the administrative specialist.

Gao Feng took the water glass and walked to Yan Xi's side with the excuse of pouring water.

"Secretary Yan, I saw you playing Beacon Era just now. In fact, I also played this game." When Gao Feng walked out of the administration department just now, he deliberately glanced at her, and saw her playing the game.

"Yeah." Yan Xi filled a glass of water and left.

Gao Feng was stunned, and stared at her back, what did she mean by "hm?"Before he finished talking, he still wanted to add her as a friend and play games together.

However, he didn't dare to blatantly play games during working hours.


At the beginning of July, every year in July and August, the company will organize a group tour, with departments as units.

This morning, the Ministry of Finance has allocated tourism funds to various departments.

Tian Na and the administrative director are in charge of planning this two-day, one-night tour.

After Tian Na wrote the preliminary plan, she went to the administrator's office and submitted the plan to the administrator for approval.

After Yu Xiaoyin, the administrative director, looked at the activity plan, there was no problem, but she did not approve it and returned the plan to Tian Na.

"Give it to the president for review. After the president nods, bring it to me for approval. Also, add the president's name to the list, arrange a separate suite, and the president's itinerary."

"The president is also participating in this event?" Tian Na asked uncertainly. To be precise, the president does not belong to any department. In previous years, the president did not participate in group travel for employees.

"Yes." When Yu Xiaoyin received the notice from the president just now, she was also very surprised. Does the president want to establish an image of being close to the people?

"For the president's itinerary, does the president have any requirements?" Tian Naduo asked, arranging a private suite is very simple, but how to arrange the president's itinerary, do you want the president to eat, drink and have fun with their employees?
Yu Xiaoyin spread her hands together, expressing that she didn't know, she had more than ten years of experience in the company, longer than the official appointment of the president, but she didn't know the president other than her official business.

Tian Na had to go back and revise the plan. The president had never participated in the company's travel activities and did not refer to the template.

(End of this chapter)

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