I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 255 Going to the Zoo 05

Chapter 255 Going to the Zoo 05
At nearly eleven o'clock, I went to the resort hotel at the zoo.

Everyone went to the hotel to drop off their luggage, and after a short rest, they went to the animal-themed restaurant for dinner.

The zoo is very vast, far away from the urban area, covering mountains and grasslands, and more than ten animal halls.

"It's finally here, and the air is very fresh." Xu Yonglin looked up, there were no tall buildings, no city noise, and she felt very relaxed and happy.

"It seems very beautiful." Kong Ru looked around. Unlike the ordinary zoos she had been to before, the hotel also looked very unique.

Cars following behind stopped one after another.

Gu Jinluo got out of the car, and her only luggage was a retro-style suitcase, and she was seen carrying a heavy handbag.

"Do you need me to help you carry your handbag?" Gu Jinluo stretched out his hand.

"Thank you, no need." Yan Xi was very puzzled, why did the boss help her carry the handbag?

Gu Jinluo had no choice but to withdraw her hand and walked into the hotel with her.

The hotel is built near the main entrance of the zoo. In the hotel room, you can see lush greenery when you open the windows.

Tian Na assigned room cards to everyone, and each went back to the room to take a rest.

The private suites are all above the ninth floor. After Yu Xiaoyin and other executives got their room cards, they were about to take the elevator back to their rooms, but they saw that the president hadn't left yet. Of course they didn't dare to leave first.

The ordinary employees who got the room cards have already left in sevens and eighties.

"Secretary Yan, yours." Tian Na handed the last room card to Yan Xi.

"Thank you." Yan Xi took the room card.

Tian Na and Yan Xi walked towards the elevator hall together.

Gu Jinluo had been waiting for her, but seeing her and Tian Na leaving just like that, he immediately followed.

The elevator door opened, Tian Na and Yan Xi walked into the elevator, Gu Jinluo also walked into the elevator, and the rest of the executives in the hotel lobby looked at each other.

There was no one else in the elevator, and the atmosphere was a little weird.

Tian Na has been afraid to speak, why did the president come upstairs now? When she assigned room cards, the first was the president, followed by the executives, herself and Yan Xi last.

Yan Xi didn't talk too much, but felt that the recent behavior of his boss was very puzzling.

When the ninth floor arrived, Tian Na and Yan Xi didn't move, letting the boss go first.

"Get out." Gu Jinluo reached out to block the elevator door.

Tian Na and Yan Xi walked out of the elevator immediately, the boss was too gentlemanly.

Tian Na looked at the order of the room numbers, and followed the room numbers to find the room, but seeing that the president was still with them, Tian Na stopped in a little unsteady pace.

Yan Xi also followed suit.

Gu Jinluo didn't leave either, and looked at the two of them, "Aren't you leaving?"

"President, your room is over there." Tian Na had to remind her, she remembered that her boss' room number was 901.

"Really? What's your room number?" Gu Jinluo pretended to ask casually. Tian Na was with her all the time. Are their rooms close to each other?

"Secretary Yan and I have room numbers 909 and 910." Tian Na said, the direction of the boss's room was opposite to theirs.

Gu Jinluo's eyes darkened, and they were next to each other?
"I'll change rooms with you." Gu Jinluo handed over the room card.

Tian Na froze for a moment, did she hear or understand wrongly?Why did the boss change rooms with her?

"Is it okay?" Gu Jinluo looked calm and kept handing over the room card.

"President, the suite you live in is different from mine. Room 901 is more suitable for you." Tian Na tried her best to explain that she lived in an ordinary suite, while her boss lived in a luxurious suite, and the price difference was ten times!
"It's okay, where is your room card?" Gu Jinluo's attitude was very gentle, but it was irresistible.

(End of this chapter)

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