I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 256 Going to the Zoo 06

Chapter 256 Going to the Zoo 06
Tian Na was very embarrassed, but her boss arranged for her to leave, so she took out the room card of 909.

Gu Jinluo and Tian Na exchanged room cards, looked at Tian Na, did you still leave?
Tian Na held the room card of 901 in her hand, she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to leave, she looked at Yan Xi asking for help, who could tell her the reason.

Yan Xi also looked at Tian Na, expressing that he didn't know.

Sensing the eye contact between the two, Gu Jinluo's expression darkened, and he said, "Secretary Yan, are you traveling with me?"

"Yeah." Yan Xi responded, only a few steps away, also called the same road?

"Then let's go." Gu Jinluo looked at her.

Yan Xi glanced at Tian Na, said goodbye, and left.

Gu Jinluo also glanced at Tian Na, but it didn't mean to say goodbye, so he left with Yan Xi.

Tian Na was completely dumbfounded. The boss looked at her very strangely just now, and she didn't understand what the boss meant at all.

Until her boss left, Tian Na went to Room 901 feeling uneasy.

The moment Tian Na opened the door, she was startled.

Bright and well-designed space, the light pours in through the floor-to-ceiling glass walls, and the spacious balcony is full of white flowers.

Looking out from the balcony, you can see the blue sky and white clouds, and a dark green mountain forest.

The suite has central air conditioning, a master bedroom and a second bedroom, with a living room, study, leisure room, fitness room, separate dining room and kitchen.

There are several cans of brightly colored candies and biscuits on the stand, the wine cabinet is full of various wines, the refrigerator has ice cream, various fruits and drinks, fresh vegetables and meat, ready to cook at any time.

Tian Na still couldn't believe it. She lived in the president's room. This luxury suite is equivalent to the hotel's presidential suite, almost the most expensive suite in this hotel.

Tian Na chose a bedroom at random. Since it was indicated as a male guest when booking the room, the style of the bedroom is relatively tough and cold.

Walking into the bathroom, there are all kinds of high-end toiletries, a jacuzzi, and a steam room.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Tian Na felt a little unreal, not because she had never seen a mansion, but because she had never lived in it.

Tian Na changed her clothes, then went to the hotel lobby, waiting for everyone to come down.

It was nearly twelve o'clock, and everyone came down one after another to gather.

Seeing Yan Xi coming, Tian Na walked over, "Secretary Yan, how is the room?"

"Not bad." Yan Xi said, the suites in five-star hotels are of course not bad.

"Here, what's the standard configuration?" Tian Naduo asked, the price difference between the ordinary suite and the deluxe suite was ten times.

"Standard configuration for a five-star suite." Yan Xi said, Tian Na was in charge of booking the room, so she should know better than her.

"How big is the area, and what facilities are there?" Tian Na changed the question.

"About 1.8 square meters, [-]-meter bed, balcony, private bathroom, cloakroom, living room, roughly these." Yan Xi roughly said.

Tian Na was very entangled in her heart, she dared not say that she lived in the presidential suite.

Almost all the other employees are here, and the executives and the president have also come down.

When Gu Jinluo stepped out of the elevator, he saw Tian Na and Yan Xi talking together from a distance. He knocked on her door just now and found out she was not there. Why didn't she wait for him?

"What are you talking about?" Gu Jinluo walked over and looked at the two of them.

"No, it's nothing." Tian Na was startled, why did the boss ask such a question?Although the boss has a gentle face, his eyes are very cold and sharp.

"Can we go?"

"President, please wait for 5 minutes." Tian Na immediately went to count the number of people and called to urge the employees who hadn't come down yet.

(End of this chapter)

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