I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 258 Going to the Zoo 08

Chapter 258 Going to the Zoo 08
Seeing the president sitting down, the assistant on the left, and the secretary on the right, making a very reasonable arrangement, the executives were relieved. The president didn't speak or express anything all the way, which made them very confused and nervous.

The pre-ordered food was served on the table immediately. There were no special ingredients, but it was very delicate and beautiful. The food on the plate was arranged in various animal images.

Many employees want to take out their mobile phones to take pictures, but they are worried that they will be rude in front of their bosses. They seem very naive, as if they have never seen the world.

"Everyone can eat whatever they want, and take pictures whatever they like. If you get a photo of me, remember to make me look prettier before posting on Moments. If you let me see my ugly photos, don't blame me for being targeted at work." Yu Xiaoyin joked again.

Hearing this, everyone laughed again and began to take pictures unscrupulously.

Tian Na took out the camera to take pictures, but not for posting on Moments, but for work needs. After the tourism activities are over, they need to summarize, publicize, and archive.

Yan Xi didn't take pictures, and kept eating silently.

"Don't you take pictures?" Gu Jinluo whispered to her. He wasn't very interested in taking pictures, but he didn't mind taking pictures for her or taking pictures with her.

talk to her?Yan Xi turned his head to look at his boss, and saw him looking at her.

"I'm not good at taking pictures."

"Here, I can take pictures for you." Although his photography skills may not be very good, he will try to make her look as beautiful as possible. I heard that it is very important to have a boyfriend who can take pictures.

"No, I'm not photogenic, and I don't like to take pictures." If it's not necessary, Yan Xi basically won't take pictures.

Gu Jinluo was stunned. The reason why she didn't take pictures was because she wasn't on camera?

"Do you play Moments?" Gu Jinluo asked again. He doesn't play popular Moments, but if she does, he doesn't mind playing.

"Don't play."

"What social account do you have?" He has a social account, but he basically doesn't log in. If she has another social account, he doesn't mind applying for one, and tries to log in as often as possible.

"No." She doesn't socialize online if she doesn't have to.

Gu Jinluo had nothing to say again, did she really not have a social account, or did she not tell him on purpose.

The giraffe suddenly poked its head in, and everyone took pictures enthusiastically.

"Jenny, help me take a picture! I want to take a photo with the giraffe!" Kong Ru excitedly gave the phone to Jenny who was sitting opposite her, so that she could take pictures for her.

Zhen Ni took the phone and took a few photos for Kong Ru casually.

"Would you like to come over and take a photo with the giraffe, I'll take a photo for you!" Kong Ru's position is near the window, which is convenient for taking photos with the giraffe.

"No need." Zhen Ni lacked interest and returned the phone to Kong Ru.

Zhen Ni continued to eat, but felt that the food was tasteless, secretly looked at Yan Xi who was diagonally opposite, and saw that the president seemed to be talking to Yan Xi.

From walking all the way up to now, the president is always with Yan Xi at dinner, if the president took care of Yan Xi because of Young Master Lan, it would be too much care.

What qualifications does Yan Xi have to be taken care of by Lan Shao and the CEO!
Zhen Ni felt unwilling, and suddenly thought of something, so she took out her phone to take a picture, and looked at the frozen picture, was it an angle problem or a lighting problem?How could the CEO look at Yan Xi so intently?
Jenny took a few photos, and then sent the photos to Ms. Han with a sentence: The president participated in the company's group travel activities, accompanied by Yan Xi.

She didn't say anything. After all, she hadn't figured out the details of Yan Xi's situation yet, so it was better to let Ms. Han guess.

After sending successfully, delete the information record and delete the photo.

(End of this chapter)

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