I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 259 Going to the Zoo 09

Chapter 259 Going to the Zoo 09
After eating for about two hours, the lunch was over. The next itinerary was to go to the lion and tiger park together, and I specially hired a tour guide to take everyone to visit.

The lion and tiger park is built in the vast woods. You can't see lions and tigers on the outside. You need to take a sightseeing car into the woods to see it.

The sightseeing cars that enter the woods are all specially made, and the body is completely wrapped with a hard iron grid, through which the animals outside can be seen.

Booked two sightseeing cars, and everyone got on the cars one after another.

"After entering the woods, you must never open the car door, reach out, or feed the animals." The tour guide said, after all, not every tourist is so qualified.

Yan Xi got into the car and saw her boss follow her into the car, why did the boss follow her all the time?In fact, it is enough for the boss to be accompanied by Qin Hao, and she is completely redundant.

Yan Xi randomly found a seat and sat down, and Gu Jinluo naturally sat next to her.

The seats in the car are all double seats, so Qin Hao had to sit in the seat behind his boss.

The sightseeing car drove for about 10 minutes, went to the woods and lawns, and saw lions and tigers lazily basking in the sun.

"Wow! Such mighty lions and tigers!"

Everyone took out their mobile phones to take pictures again, but unfortunately they couldn't take pictures with them.

The sightseeing car stopped, and several lions and tigers walked over on catwalks.

"They're here!"

Getting closer and closer, I can see their huge size more clearly, very ferocious and frightening.

"Don't feed them, don't stick your fingers out. Don't let your actions break the grid that has been built for thousands of years. If you don't follow the laws of human society, you can only follow the laws of nature."

The tour guide repeatedly told him that he was not intimidating. There were frequent news reports that tourists violated the rules of the zoo and were bitten or even died by animals.

While the blocking mesh is strong and dense, three or four fingers can still stick out.

Several tigers sniffed around the sightseeing car, and suddenly stood upright, with their front feet lying on the grille of the sightseeing car. The sightseeing car shook, and everyone was startled.

"I'm scared to death, will they break through these grids?" Kong Ru immediately didn't dare to approach the grids.

"After they break through the grid, we can only follow the laws of nature, and the weak will prey on the strong." Xu Yonglin threatened.

Several tigers stood upright, with their front feet lying on the car body, looking at the people inside the car through the grid.

Those who are brave, take a close-up shot of the tiger's expression with their mobile phone.

Yan Xi moved to the side, and a tiger was lying next to her, separated only by a grid.

Yan Xi is not interested in teasing it, but it seems to be very interested in Yan Xi, its mouth is open, showing sharp teeth, its front paws are scratching the grid, it doesn't know whether it wants to greet her or eat her.

"Aren't you afraid?" Gu Jinluo looked at her.

"I believe these grids are very strong." Yan Xi said, and she followed the tour guide's instructions.

Gu Jinluo was very puzzled, she was neither nervous nor showed any emotion, she had no idea what she was thinking.

"Both tigers and lions are the kings of the forest. If you raise them together, you won't be afraid that they will fight or even kill each other?" Someone suddenly asked a question.

"Because they are all cats, and they are of the same size and combat effectiveness, so they dare not take the initiative to fight each other easily."

"No, lions live in groups, and tigers live alone. How can a tiger beat a group of lions?"

"If they are raised wild in nature, of course they will fight, but if they are raised together from a young age, and there are breeders in the zoo to feed them, they don't need to fight for territory, they don't need to hunt for food, they won't fight, and they can even cultivate emotion."

"If that's the case, why don't you keep leopards with them as well. Leopards are also cats and they are about the same size as them."

Everyone expresses their opinions, and everyone is not an animal expert, so the discussion has been unable to reach a result.

"What do you think is the reason?" Gu Jinluo talked to her again. This is an interesting question.

"That's how there are ligers."

"..." Gu Jinluo was speechless for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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