I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 260 Going to the Zoo 10

Chapter 260 Going to the Zoo 10
After visiting the ferocious tigers and lions, go to the Panda Pavilion to visit the soft and cute pandas.

The habitat of pandas is very large, including bamboo forests, water areas, grasslands, wooden houses, perches, etc. They like to climb trees, play, wade and so on.

Because pandas are very rare, there are only eight pandas in the huge panda house, but there are many tourists, which shows how much tourists love pandas.

Although the panda is huge, its bloated and round body looks clumsy and cute. Coupled with various funny postures, it instantly captured the hearts of tourists, especially women and children.

"I've never seen a real panda!" Some people were very excited, pandas are so rare, not all zoos have pandas.

"Wow, what a cute panda, I really want to touch it." Kong Ru's love overflowed.

Pandas are docile and generally do not hurt people. However, in order to protect the pandas, tourists can only watch from outside and cannot touch the pandas.

Yan Xi was also looking at the panda when the phone vibrated suddenly and she answered the call.

"Are you off work?" Hua Hua misread the time and called her, it was almost six o'clock.

"no work today."

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Hua Cuo asked suspiciously. She said that she didn't have to go to work, but it wasn't that she didn't go to work.

"The department organizes tourism activities, today and tomorrow, two days and one night."

"So, where to travel?" Huacuo has also heard that every July and August, various departments of the company will organize travel. He has only been in the company for half a year and has not participated in any travel activities.

"I went to the safari park in City C."

"I want to go to the zoo too, what animal are you looking at?" Hua Cuo chatted with her.

"Panda." Yan Xi looked at the honest and funny panda.

"I want to see pandas too! How many pandas are there?" Hua Cuo asked excitedly. Unlike other animals, there are not many pandas kept in zoos.


"How many females and how many males are there?"

"Forgive me for not being able to tell which of them is female and which is male." Yan Xi's lips twitched. Pandas are all similar in shape, and it's not easy to distinguish them like lions.

"Hehe, since pandas are very rare, the pandas kept in zoos are usually in pairs of male and female, and there should be four of each. I really want to watch pandas now, our video."

"Videos are not convenient, I'll send you photos and videos." Yan Xi said, the boss was beside her.

"Alright then." Hua Cuo didn't force himself, he wanted to see her more than the panda.

After hanging up, Yan Xi took pictures with his mobile phone, forgiving her poor photography skills.

Gu Jinluo was listening, who was she talking to just now, and the other party asked her to video, and also to send photos and videos.

Yan Xi walked closer and changed the angle to shoot.

"Do you like pandas?" Gu Jinluo followed her closely.

"It's okay." There is no such thing as whether you like it or not. Compared with liking it, it is more about protection. Pandas are currently a vulnerable species.

It's okay again, do you like it or don't like it?Gu Jinluo was very depressed. Most people like pandas very much, even popular all over the world, but Yan Xi is a very strange person, it is hard to guess what she likes.

Yan Xi took a panoramic video, including all eight pandas.

Gu Jinluo kept watching her take photos, waiting for her to send the photos to someone, but she put away her phone after taking the photos. Didn't she just say to send photos and videos to someone?Who the hell is that person?
(End of this chapter)

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