I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 261 Eradication of the Rival in Love 01

Chapter 261 Eradication of the Rival in Love 01
Most of the animal museums are closed at seven o'clock in the evening, and only the nocturnal animal museum lasts until ten o'clock in the evening.

It was already 06:30 at this time, and the staff of the zoo reminded visitors that the museum was closed at seven o'clock.

The tourists left one after another reluctantly.

According to the itinerary, everyone went to the hotel restaurant to have dinner first, and then went to visit the Nocturnal Animal Museum collectively.

During the day, the Nocturnal Animal Museum will use artificially controlled lighting to simulate the nighttime environment, so that the nighttime activities of nocturnal animals will be presented to the visitors.

At night, only the Nocturnal Animal has tourists.

The outdoor area exhibits silver foxes, blue foxes, sand foxes, fennec foxes, raccoon dogs, badgers and so on.

It is convenient for tourists to identify, and the names of animals are hung on each exhibition house.

"Why is there no silver fox in this exhibition house called Silver Fox? Could it be that these mice are foxes?" Kong Ru was puzzled, they looked like mice no matter how they looked!
"Who told you that a silver fox is a fox? A silver fox is not a fox at all, but a Gacaria hamster, which is divided into three-line silver fox and purple barn silver fox." Xu Yonglin saw the species introduction next to the exhibition hall.

"Okay, I'm ignorant." Kong Ru rolled her eyes, she was obviously a hamster, why was it called a silver fox?

Kong Ru and Xu Yonglin continued to look at other exhibition houses.

I saw a showroom named Blue Fox, could it be a blue hamster?

Kong Ru walked over excitedly, she had never seen a blue hamster.

However, Kong Ru was stunned when she saw the animals in the exhibition house.

"I've never seen such a big hamster. This kind of hamster looks like a Samoyed, but why isn't it blue?"

"Who told you that this is a hamster? The blue fox is a kind of arctic fox, also known as the white fox!" Xu Yonglin said, didn't Kong Ru read the species introduction next to it?
Kong Ru's face turned black, it was obviously white, why is it called Blue Fox?


Gu Jinluo and Yan Xi walked to the snake exhibition house.

Snakes are divided into three categories according to their diurnal and night activities, diurnal snakes, nocturnal snakes, and twilight snakes.

The exhibits here are all the latter two, including golden krait, silver krait, five-step snake, pit viper and so on.

"Are you afraid of snakes?" Gu Jinluo asked. Most people are afraid of snakes, especially women. Even Mu Ge is afraid of snakes.

"If it's non-poisonous and non-aggressive, then there's nothing to be afraid of." Yan Xi looked at the snake in the exhibit.

The two then walked into the indoor exhibition area.

There are more animals here, including rough-tailed baby monkeys, slow lorises, Brazilian night monkeys, brushtail possums, kinky bears, hedgehogs, sugar gliders and more.

Nocturnal animals are active at night, and at this time in dim light, they can be seen in various postures.

"Sugar gliders are so cute, they're a marsupial and the females have pouches like kangaroos."

"The point is, they can fly!"

Sugar gliders are only half the size of a palm. When flying, you can clearly see the sliding membranes on both sides of their bodies, which extend from the joints of the hands to the ankles, which is very unique.

In addition, their various delicate and naive postures are very cute, and they instantly captured the hearts of girls.

"What kind of animals do you like?" Gu Jinluo asked again, remember she said before that she was not keen on wild animals and didn't like these cute animals?
Yan Xi thought about it, she didn't seem to have any favorite animals, but there were many that she didn't like.

"I don't like cockroaches, rats, skunks or anything like that."

Crap, who likes these animals?Gu Jinluo suddenly felt tired talking to her.

At about ten o'clock, the staff reminded tourists that the museum was about to close.

Everyone gathered in front of the animal hall according to the time. After Tian Na counted the number of people, they walked back to the hotel to rest.

Gu Jinluo and Yan Xi stayed together until they returned to the hotel, their rooms were next to each other.

When he was about to walk into the room, Gu Jinluo hesitated and said, "Call me if you need anything, and wait for me tomorrow morning."

The boss ordered, Yan Xi had no reason to refuse: "Understood."

"Go to bed earlier." Gu Jinluo walked to the door of the room and stopped, waiting for her to leave first.

"You should also go to bed early." Yan Xi took out his room card and opened the door.

Gu Jinluo went back to her room.


 PS: The sugar glider was specially shown in the photo. I kept a sugar glider and an Alaska in the rented house where I lived. Allah often harassed the sugar bag. Once I almost ate it. I took it out of Allah’s mouth. Honey bag, honey bag trembled with fear, bit my finger, and it bled. Then, I went to the hospital for rabies vaccination and received four injections in stages.Sugar gliders are usually docile and can be played in hands without biting, but they will scream and attack when they are scared. (Note: It is not because of being bitten by a dog that you need to be vaccinated against rabies. Last time I was bitten by a cat, I also needed to be vaccinated against rabies.) Afterwards, I gave Ala a shot.

(End of this chapter)

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