I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 262 Eradication of the Rival in Love 02

Chapter 262 Eradication of the Rival in Love 02
At eight o'clock the next morning, Gu Jinluo opened the door and saw Yan Xi standing in the corridor.

Gu Jinluo frowned slightly, told her to wait for him last night, but she really waited for him so early, should he praise her for being too responsible, or blame her for not understanding what he meant.

"Have you waited for a long time?"

"No, it's only been a while." Yan Xi usually gets up early, and today's itinerary is to meet in the hotel lobby at [-]:[-] in the morning.

"It's not work now, you don't have to be so punctual, you can knock on my door, or wait for me to knock on your door."

"Understood." Anyway, there is no future, this tour is only for two days and one night.

"You don't have to be so serious, you don't have to treat me as your boss." Gu Jinluo said seriously.

"Actually, you are the boss." If you don't think of you as a boss, then what do you think of?
"We're just out for a trip, you can relax." If he wasn't the boss, he could only fire her, but not for now.

"Understood." She was always relaxed.

The two went to the hotel lobby, Tian Na was already waiting in the lobby early.

After a while, everyone came down one after another.

Then go to the hotel restaurant to have breakfast together, the next arrangement is free activities, pack your luggage before five o'clock in the afternoon, and gather in the hotel lobby.

Since it was a free activity, Yan Xi took it for granted that there was no need to continue to accompany the boss. After all, she was neither a tour guide nor familiar with animals. She was completely redundant, and Qin Hao was enough to accompany the boss.

After breakfast, everyone went to visit the zoo in groups of three and four, and there were still many animal houses that we hadn't been to.

Tian Na is in charge of planning this event, managing so many people, she is too busy to visit, and now she is a little free for free activities, but she usually has no particularly close colleagues, so she has placed an order.

Seeing that Yan Xi was alone, Tian Na walked over. In the company, she was a little familiar with Yan Xi, and since the zoo was so big, it was convenient for two people to take care of her.

"Secretary Yan, can I join you?"

"Yes." Yan Xi nodded, it was better to be with Tian Na than to be with the boss.

"What animal do you want to see?" Tian Na asked for advice. The zoo is so big that you can't finish it in a while, so you can only choose some animal houses you want to see.

"I can do it, you decide." Yan Xi didn't care.

"Here, is it okay to go to see leopards?" Tian Na thought for a while, she saw many leopard prints, but she hadn't seen a real leopard yet.

"Yes." Yan Xi said.

As they said that, the two left the restaurant together, before they left the restaurant, they met Gao Feng, the administrative commissioner of the department.

"Secretary Tian, ​​Secretary Yan, are you together?" Gao Feng quickly walked over to strike up a conversation.

"Yes." Tian Na replied lightly.

Yan Xi didn't speak.

Gao Feng couldn't help being a little embarrassed. He originally took advantage of this trip to get closer to Yan Xi, but yesterday Yan Xi was with the president all day, and now it's hard to wait for free activities.

Gao Feng looked at Yan Xi with flickering eyes, and said cheekily, "The zoo is huge, and I have a good sense of direction. Can I go with you?"

Tian Na didn't agree immediately, but she didn't mind, but she noticed Gao Feng's eyes, and immediately understood Gao Feng's intentions, did she interrupt?
Tian Na looked at Yan Xi, but seeing Yan Xi's expressionless face, she couldn't guess what Yan Xi meant for a while.

"It's not very convenient." Yan Xi politely declined, as she also had a good sense of direction.

Gao Feng was embarrassed and disappointed, did she already have a boyfriend?

So Tian Na and Yan Xi left.


(End of this chapter)

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