I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 264 Eradication of the Rival in Love 04

Chapter 264 Eradication of the Rival in Love 04
The three of them went to the wolf forest according to the map instructions of the zoo. After seeing the wolves, they went to see other animals.

Until twelve o'clock at noon, Tian Na thought it was over, but unexpectedly her boss wanted to have lunch with them.

After finishing lunch in a strange atmosphere, Tian Na thought that her boss would go back to the hotel to rest for a while. After all, the boss had already left all morning, but unexpectedly, the boss continued to visit with them all the time.

Tian Na's heart was fluctuating, she always felt that her boss looked at her strangely and coldly, and she couldn't fathom his mind at all.

Finally, at four o'clock in the afternoon, I went back to the hotel to pack my luggage and prepared to go back to Jingyang City.

Tian Na suddenly felt that her boss was not easy to serve, and Yan Xi's task of accompanying her boss was a thousand times harder than her task of arranging the itinerary.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the tour will come to an end.

Everyone came to the hotel lobby to gather. After Tian Na counted the number of people, everyone went back to Jingyang City by car.

Yan Xi still sat in the back seat of the car with his boss.

The driver silently acted as the air, the president and the female assistant were about to have a spiritual exchange, and sure enough, he heard the president speak.

"After walking for a long time, are you tired?" Gu Jinluo looked at her, from morning to afternoon today, except for lunch at noon.

"Not tired." Yan Xi didn't look sideways, the amount of exercise today was nothing to her.

"It's still a long time before we return to Jingyang City, you can sleep for a while."

"I'm not sleepy." Yan Xi was full of energy and didn't look tired at all.

Gu Jinluo had nothing to say now, he was not good at small talk, and she never said a word, in fact, he hoped that she would be more lively and talkative, just like meeting for the first time, she could chat for a few days. Hours.

However, thinking of that absurd encounter, Gu Jinluo suddenly found it inconceivable that he accepted her just like that now.

The two sat there in silence for over an hour.

The driver followed the tourist bus all the way, and finally returned to Jingyang City, but he didn't wait for the president's order. He really didn't want to break the quiet atmosphere.

"President, go back to the company, or go to Songquan Mountain?" the driver asked, the president lives in Songquan Mountain.

"Go to Bailey's Restaurant." Gu Jinluo thought that he and she hadn't had dinner yet.

"Yes." The driver understood instantly, and the president and the female assistant went to that restaurant for dinner again.

After a while, when we arrived at Baili Restaurant, it was completely dark.

Gu Jinluo asked the driver to get off work again, and then called the driver at home to pick him up here.

Yan Xi had another dinner with his boss out of nowhere.

It was nearly 08:30 after dinner.

The driver was waiting at the entrance of the restaurant. When he received a call from his husband just now, saying that he had come to Baili restaurant on Yingbin Avenue, he had vaguely guessed what was going on, so he saw the husband and the woman coming out at this time, so he knew it.

"Sir, where are you going?"

"Tianhe Garden."

"Yes." The driver started the car and galloped on the road at a steady speed.

The lights of the city flickered dimly, and the interior of the car flickered.

"Are you free this weekend?" Gu Jinluo thought about tomorrow's weekend.

"What's the matter?" Yan Xi glanced at him.

"It's nothing, just asking casually." He wanted to have more conversations with her.

"I'll rest at home on weekends." She continued to play the game tomorrow, and quickly reached the full level.

Gu Jinluo didn't ask any more questions. Considering that he walked in the zoo for two days, he should need to rest.

Going to Tianhe Xiaoyuan, the driver parked the car on the side of the road.

Gu Jinluo looked at her and said, "Go to bed early."

"You too, thank you for taking me back, goodbye." Yan Xi got out of the car and left.

Gu Jinluo did not ask the driver to drive immediately, but waited until the windows on the fifth floor were lit.

The driver looked at the environment of the community. It was just a very ordinary residential area, even a bit old. To be honest, this woman was far from being worthy of her husband in terms of family background and appearance.

But it's not his turn to talk and worry about these things, as long as the husband likes it.


(End of this chapter)

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