I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 265 Eradication of the Rival in Love 05

Chapter 265 Eradication of the Rival in Love 05
By mid-July, the company is screening potential employees and focusing on training them.

"President, this is the tentative list of people who will go to the country Y branch for further study this year. As for how many people will go to the branch, it has not yet been decided." Qin Hao put down the list, after all, not everyone is willing to go abroad for a few years.

"Add a name, Tian Na."

"Tian Na?" Qin Hao looked surprised. Is this the rhythm of the CEO trying to eradicate his love rival?
"She can choose the position, and the salary will increase by 50.00%."

"Understood, I'll tell Tina." Qin Hao was shocked. Not every employee is eligible to go to the country Y branch for further study. Such a condition is definitely a temptation.

"No, I told her. You go and print an agreement for her now."

"Understood, I'll go now." Qin Hao left, wondering if Tian Na would give up such an opportunity for Yan Xi.

Three ten minutes later.

Tian Na still couldn't believe it. Whether she underestimated herself or the CEO overestimated her, this was a good learning opportunity. Moreover, she could choose any position, and she didn't need to think about it at all with a 50.00% salary increase.

Tian Na went to the president's office, anxiously waiting for her boss to speak.

"I'll give you two weeks to think about it. You can put forward further conditions. The annual salary can be renegotiated or paid in advance. The departure is in October." Gu Jinluo said all the conditions he could think of, except that he didn't give the check directly.

Tian Na was stunned. She almost suspected that the CEO fell in love with her. She was self-aware. There were countless capable employees in the company. She was neither high nor low. Such an opportunity would never happen to her.

"Is there any question? You can ask it directly." Gu Jinluo was tolerant enough.

"President, why me?" Tian Na was a little nervous. Even the employees who went to the Y country branch for further study did not receive such treatment.

"You don't need to ask why, just say yes or no. Any questions?"

"Is Secretary Yan going too?" Tian Na suddenly thought that Yan Xi's abilities were no less than hers.

"She's not qualified enough yet." Gu Jinluo glanced at Tian Na, so worried about Yan Xi?
"In fact, the secretary is very capable, very efficient, and has a serious work attitude..." Tian Na was interrupted before she could finish speaking.

"You don't need to explain to her, she won't go." Gu Jinluo directly vetoed, even if Yan Xi was going to Country Y, he would go with him.

Hearing this, Tian Na didn't dare to say anything.

"Go back and think about it carefully. I hope you can make a wise choice. I have high expectations for you." Gu Jinluo's words were definitely against his will.

"Yes, President, I will seriously consider it." Tian Na was flattered, did the President see any potential in her?

Tian Na returned to the office of the administration department, looked at Yan Xi from a distance, and saw that she seemed to be very busy.

Could it be that the reason why the president promoted Yan Xi to secretary was to let her go abroad and let Yan Xi take her place?
In any case, today is one of the most significant turning points in her life.

"Tina, what are you happy about?" Zhen Ni passed by and saw a rare smile on Tian Na's face. Usually Tian Na is very serious and hardly smiles.

"It's nothing." Tian Na didn't say much. She might go to Country Y in two months or so. This trip will only last for two or three years. She should rarely interact with Zhen Ni and others in the future, so she doesn't need to be perfunctory useless people.

Thinking of how Yan Xi helped her when she sprained her foot, Tian Na considered, should she invite Yan Xi to have another meal?


(End of this chapter)

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