I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 273 Lover Chapter to 03

Chapter 273 Valentine's Day to 03
"Brother, what did you say to Jin Luo just now?" Han Mengli saw it from a distance just now, so it is estimated that what her brother said was not good.

"I just invited him to have dinner with you at the Mid-Levels Hotel, but he refused mercilessly." Han Ziming was a little resentful. He looked at his sister, who was impeccable in appearance and figure. He almost suspected Gu Jinluo Don't like women.

"Brother! What do you think I am?!" Han Mengli was trembling with anger, what would Jin Luo think of her?Shameless woman?A flirtatious woman?

"I just want you to marry into the Gu family as soon as possible. Don't you want to be the young wife of the Gu family?" Han Ziming snorted coldly. As long as Mengli married into the Gu family, then all the inheritance rights of the Han family belonged to him, with the support of the in-laws of the Gu family.

"Shut up!" Han Mengli yelled angrily in a low voice, these words were heard by others, where would she put her face!
Of course she wanted to marry Jin Luo, but if Jin Luo was invited to this meal, then such Jin Luo was not worthy of her love.

The person she fell in love with was a clean-spirited, elegant gentleman with an awe-inspiring momentum and a fierce and resolute wrist.


After the game was over, Lan Muge closed his laptop and prepared to go home.

"Leaving?" Gu Jinluo was also about to leave.

"Are you waiting for me? You want to invite me to dinner?" Lan Muge got up and handed the laptop to the assistant.

"Okay." Gu Jinluo didn't care, anyway, he was alone, it didn't matter whether he was eating at home or going out.

"I don't want to have dinner with you now. This weekend is Valentine's Day. Now every restaurant is decorated very romantically. I don't want to spend Valentine's Day with you." Lan Muge looked disgusted, A Luo didn't even like Valentine's Day I know, destined to be single.

Gu Jinluo didn't expect this question, and couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. He should be with Yan Xi today.

"So, don't look for me tomorrow." Lan Muge said, usually A Luo rarely looked for him, so it was rare to call him yesterday.

"Spend Valentine's Day with your little Dudu?" Gu Jinluo asked, he really wanted to know who this little Dudu was.

"Valentine's Day, of course, is to spend with your lover." Lan Muge showed a look that you don't understand.

"Where did you go for Valentine's Day?" Gu Jinluo asked again, he had never tried to spend Valentine's Day with anyone.

"Go to a very special, lively, and dreamy place, but no one knows us." Lan Muge smiled enigmatically.

"Where?" Gu Jinluo subconsciously imagined what it was, but couldn't.

"Are you curious?" Lan Muge raised his eyebrows.

"Just ask." Gu Jinluo didn't ask anymore. Mu Ge is not reliable, he would rather search online.

Going to the garage, Gu Jinluo sat in the car and thought for a moment.

Mu Ge already had a new girlfriend, Tian Na had already decided to go abroad, that Zimo Hongchen was silent, and nothing seemed to hinder him.

This is a rare opportunity for Valentine's Day.

Gu Jinluo took out her phone and searched online.

Candlelight dinner, roses, Valentine's Day gifts, every woman can't refuse such romance.

Is that right?Gu Jinluo was not sure.


Lan Muge drove his red Ferrari and honked the horn.

"What's the matter?" Gu Jinluo opened the car window.

"Aren't you leaving?" Lan Muge asked.

Gu Jinluo closed the car window and drove away.

After driving out of Nanshan Golf Course, he parted ways with Lan Muge.

After arriving in the city, Gu Jinluo noticed that the shops on both sides of the road were decorated for Valentine's Day.

Gu Jinluo thought about it, and decided to go shopping for a Valentine's Day gift now.


(End of this chapter)

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