I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 274 Lover Chapter to 04

Chapter 274 Valentine's Day to 04
Tianhe Garden.

Xu Li goes to the property management office almost every night after get off work, because there are mysterious white roses waiting for her there, almost every Friday or Saturday.

There was no Friday yesterday, so there must be Saturday today.

Sure enough, I saw the dazzling bouquet of white roses from the window.

"Property management..." Xu Liyi shouted commandingly.

Before Xu Li finished speaking, the property manager directly gave the white rose to Xu Li, and he didn't even bother to talk nonsense with Xu Li.

Xu Li held the white rose, breathed in the fresh and pleasant fragrance of the flower, and left happily.

Xu Li went downstairs to the third building, took out the key and opened the door.

"Wait! Don't close the door!"

Xu Li looked back and saw a handsome man jogging towards him. Although the sky was a bit dark, he could still see his vigorous figure and handsome face.

"Thank you." Hua Cuo walked in.

"Do you live here?" Xu Li showed the most beautiful smile, and she looked so handsome up close.

"No." Hua Cuo closed the door.

"Looking for someone?" Xu Li asked while walking.

"Well, is the rose a gift from her boyfriend?" Hua mistakenly glanced at the white rose in her hand. The shape of the flower was beautiful, the color was pure, and there was a touch of green in the white. It was a snow mountain rose.

"Not yet." Xu Li's expression was both sweet and troubled. It had been two months and this mysterious person hadn't shown up yet.

"I believe it will be there soon, maybe it will be tomorrow, and tomorrow is Valentine's Day." Hua Cuo is very good at talking.

After Xu Li heard this, she immediately smiled, imagining a beautiful scene in her heart.

"I forgot to buy something just now. It's not good to go to someone else's house empty-handed. Can you sell me a rose?" Hua Cuo said sincerely.

"Do you know what kind of rose this is?" Xu Li took a wrong look at the flower, did you think it was an ordinary rose worth ten yuan each?

"I don't know." Hua Cuo shook her head, pretending not to know.

"This is a snow mountain rose. It was airlifted from Yunnan, and it costs three to four hundred yuan to buy one." Xu Li's tone could not hide her flaunting.

"Then I'll give you three hundred yuan, and you can sell me a branch, okay?" Hua Cuo asked after discussing, the price of Snow Mountain roses on the market is about the same.

"Okay, you can buy a few more." Xu Li agreed without hesitation when she heard that it was three hundred yuan.

"One stick is enough. I only have three hundred yuan in my wallet, so I can't afford that much." Hua mistakenly took out his wallet and took out three banknotes.

After Xu Li heard this, her vanity rose again. This mysterious person must be very, very rich.

"Can I choose one myself?" Hua mistakenly gave Xu Li 300 yuan.

"Yes." Xu Li's eyes were contemptuous, and now she looks down on this man, even if this man is handsome, so what, a poor ghost.

Hua picked a rose by mistake, and saw a corner of the envelope protruding from the flower cluster.

"There seems to be an envelope inside, I wish you all your wishes come true." After finishing speaking, Hua Cuo left.

Xu Li immediately took out the envelope. It was an exquisite silver-white envelope with golden patterns printed on the corners of the envelope. The opening of the envelope was sealed with red wax, which was classic and luxurious.

Xu Li couldn't wait to open the envelope and take out the card, and what caught her eyes was the extremely beautiful pen writing.

Tomorrow at 203 o'clock in the evening, Room [-], Stick Restaurant, on the [-]th floor of the Lanhai Building.

Only time and address?

Xu Li was puzzled, but she was in high spirits in an instant. She knew that Stick Restaurant was a top luxury restaurant with a world-renowned reputation, and not everyone could dine in Stick Restaurant.


(End of this chapter)

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