I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 275 Lover Chapter to 05

Chapter 275 Valentine's Day to 05
Hua stood at the door by mistake and smelled a burning smell.

"Call me before you come next time." Yan Xi's hair was tied up casually, and he was wearing home clothes and an apron.

"Oh, but actually I don't mind." Hua Cuo blinked her eyes, her image didn't have to be so serious.

"I mind." Yan Xi closed the door.

"Then, I'm sorry." Hua Cuo apologized and handed over a white rose.

"Where did you get the roses?" Yan Xi didn't answer, feeling a little familiar, like Xu Li's bouquet of white roses.

"I picked it up in the stairs. It's still very fresh and can be kept for a week." Hua Cuo said happily.

Yan Xi wasn't too happy, it really was Xu Li's white rose, and you picked it up if someone else dropped it?

"Is there a vase? A glass bottle is fine too." Hua Cuo asked, even a water glass.

"There are discarded glass bottles on the balcony." After finishing speaking, Yan Xi walked into the kitchen.

Huacuo went to the balcony to find a glass bottle, washed the glass bottle, filled it with water, put the roses in it, and put the glass bottle in the center of the dining table.

Hua went into the kitchen by mistake and saw dark dishes in the trash can.

"Have you had dinner yet?" Yan Xi glanced at him because she was about to cook it again.

"Not yet, I think I'll do it, what do you want to eat?" Hua Cuo opened the refrigerator to see what ingredients were there.

"Whatever, do you need my help?" Yan Xi unhappily took off her apron, she admitted that she has no talent for cooking.

"Peel the carrots." Hua Cuo took out two carrots from the refrigerator.

"Is there anything you want from me?" Yan Xi found out the peeler.

"It's okay, I just wanted to have dinner with you, but luckily you messed up." Hua mistakenly glanced at the trash can.

Yan Xi's face darkened.

There was a mistake with the flowers, and dinner was ready in no time.

The glass bottle under the light is extraordinarily bright and clean, and the white rose stands gracefully.

"Do you have an appointment tomorrow?" Hua Cuo chatted while eating dinner.


"Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, is there no one asking you out?" Hua Cuo wondered, did Yin Zimo not ask her out?
"No." Not yet, even if someone asks her out, she won't go out.

"So, tomorrow I will reluctantly ask you out." Hua Cuo showed a embarrassed look.

"You don't have to push yourself, I don't plan to go out tomorrow." Yan Xi will play games at home tomorrow.

"Why don't you go out, there will be a lot of fun outside tomorrow." Hua Cuo said expectantly.

"Don't go."

"What's the matter with you at home? Isn't it boring to be alone at home?" Hua Cuo was very depressed, why was she so boring.

"Not boring." She likes to be alone.

"Then I'll be bored. Why don't I come to your house tomorrow and help you cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for free."

"No, don't come tomorrow." Yan Xi directly refused.

"It's really disappointing." Hua Cuo was disappointed.

After dinner, cut the fruit and put it on the tea table.

Hua Cuo sat on the sofa again, turned on the TV and watched TV.

"Don't you have a TV at home?" Yan Xi was really indifferent to watching TV.

"No, Yunsu doesn't watch TV." Hua mistakenly switched the channel to the news broadcast, she likes to watch the news.

Yan Xi could understand that people like Yun Su probably wouldn't like to watch TV, and it would be hard to guess the wrong one.

"Do you enjoy watching TV?"

"No, don't you think it's easy for two people to watch TV together?" He can't watch TV alone.

"Are you usually nervous?" Yan Xi asked casually.

Hua Cuo was slightly taken aback, then looked at her, and said with a smile: "I just feel very comfortable with you, just like a very good friend, talking about everything."

Yan Xi didn't say anything anymore, she didn't think Hua Cuo could talk about everything, of course, she couldn't either.

The news broadcast ended at nine o'clock.

After the flowers went away by mistake, Yan Xi immediately threw the roses into the trash can.

The phone on the table vibrated, and seeing the caller ID, Yan Xi picked up the phone to answer it.

"Zi Mo."

"Yan Xi, are you going to sleep?"

"Not yet." It's only past nine o'clock.

"Are you free tomorrow?" Yin Zimo's tone could not hide his expectation.

"Tomorrow I will play games at home."

"Here, playing games all the time is not good for your eyes. Do you want to go out tomorrow?" Yin Zimo didn't expect that she still likes to play games now, but fortunately she is not short-sighted.

"I don't want to." Yan Xi said without hesitation, don't look for her anymore.

"Then can I go to your house?" Yin Zimo hesitated for a while before asking. She will be playing games at home tomorrow, which means no one will ask her out.

"It's not convenient, you don't want to come." Yan Xi always spoke so straightforwardly.

"..." Yin Zimo was so lost that he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Goodbye, good night." Apart from saying this, Yan Xi didn't know what to say.

"Good night." Yin Zimo's voice was soft until she hung up.


(End of this chapter)

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