I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 280 Lover Chapter to 10

Chapter 280 Valentine's Day to 10
Six thirty in the evening.

Yan Xi logged off the computer and went to the kitchen to make dinner.

Jingle Bell!The doorbell rang.

Who will come to her house at this time?

When he opened the door, he saw an elegant and extraordinary person outside, Yan Xi glanced at him, is he going on a date in this fancy dress?
Gu Jinluo's face was gloomy. Seeing her nonchalant look, did she give the roses to someone else, or did they fall into someone else's hands by accident?

"What's the matter?" Yan Xi noticed that his complexion was not good, did the date fail?

"Go inside and talk." Gu Jinluo calmed down and walked in.

Yan Xi frowned, did she invite him in?
Gu Jinluo looked around, there was no trace of roses in the room at all, did she not receive them, or threw them away?

"Don't you know?" Gu Jinluo looked at her with complicated eyes, damn anonymous!Who said anonymity has mystique? !
"Know what?" Yan Xi didn't know why.

"Where did you go today?" Gu Jinluo's eyes gradually became dark and sharp.

"I didn't go anywhere, I've been at home all day, what's wrong?" Yan Xi frowned slightly, what kind of eyes did he have, questioning?

Gu Jinluo was silent, just kept looking at her, as if she didn't know that he gave her roses, so the roses he had given her for more than two months were for nothing!

"I'm making dinner, you have something to say quickly." It's almost seven o'clock.

"I haven't eaten dinner yet, can you make me an extra?" Gu Jinluo's tone was relaxed. Although the location had changed, it was still a date.

"I don't cook very well, why don't you go home to eat, or go out to eat." Yan Xi was a little embarrassed, her cooking skills were really not good enough.

"Is that why you want to drive me away?" Gu Jinluo's face became gloomy again, and anger surged uncontrollably in his heart.

"Then sit down." Yan Xi turned and went into the kitchen.

Gu Jinluo waited patiently, he was looking forward to the dinner she cooked, next time he would make it for her.

Yan Xi's dinner was very simple, with carrots, ham, and eggs as ingredients. Originally, he had to cook one bowl of noodles, but now he had to cook two bowls.

Twenty minutes later, Yan Xi came out with two bowls of noodles.

"Mr. Gu, it's time for dinner." Yan Xi called out when he saw him on the balcony.

"You can call me by my name." Gu Jinluo walked into the dining room.

"I don't think it's necessary." Yan Xi didn't think he knew him that well.

"You can call me A Luo, Yan Xi." Gu Jinluo's expression was rarely serious.

"Sit down." Yan Xi neither refused nor agreed.

There were two bowls of steaming noodles on the dining table. Although the appearance was not very good, Yan Xi believed that the taste should... be even worse.

Seeing that there were only two bowls of noodles, Gu Jinluo would not dislike her, and her ability was always much higher than what she said. He believed that these two bowls of noodles were high-quality goods, just like her working ability.

"Eat it quickly, the noodles will become soft after a long time." Yan Xi started to eat, the noodles were already very soft, and the carrots were still hard.

Gu Jinluo picked up the chopsticks, and felt that the smell was a bit strange before eating. When he ate it, it was more than just strange...

"Have you always cooked noodles like this?" Gu Jinluo swallowed the noodles with difficulty. He had never eaten such unpalatable noodles.

"That's the only way I cook noodles." It's easier to cook this way.

Gu Jinluo pursed his lips, seeing that she was eating naturally, and now he finally knew why she was not picky.

Because there is no choice.

(End of this chapter)

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