I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 281 Official Confession 01

Chapter 281 Official Confession 01
"Is it hard to eat?" Yan Xi noticed that he paused, but she actually thought it was okay, at least the noodles were not overcooked.

"It's okay." Gu Jinluo continued to move his chopsticks, because she cooked it, even if it was unpalatable, he would finish it, and he would not dislike it.

"Is there anything you want from me?" Yan Xi glanced at him, and somehow had dinner with his boss again.

"Do you know what holiday is today?" Gu Jinluo paused while holding the chopsticks.

"Valentine's Day?" Of course Yan Xi knew, judging by his attire, he should be going on a date, not eating noodles here.

"If, if I were dating you today, what would you do?" Gu Jinluo unconsciously clenched her chopsticks, feeling a little nervous in her heart.

"I'll...cook an extra bowl of noodles." Yan Xi had a weird expression on his face, unable to imagine that her boss was dating her.

Gu Jinluo's face darkened, and the dialogue that had been brewing for a long time was useless in an instant.

"If you go on a date with your current image, you will usually be successful. If you don't, it must be because the other party has no vision." Yan Xi thought he had failed the date, so he came to seek comfort.

Gu Jinluo's eyes moved slightly, that means she is very satisfied with his image today?So today is not too bad a failure.

"What do you think of me?" Gu Jinluo stared at her face with deep and thick eyes.

"Very good, very worthy of admiration and admiration." Yan Xi did not exaggerate his words, even leaving aside his family background, Gu Jinluo's character and ability are worthy of appreciation.

"Then, will you admire me?" Gu Jinluo was totally surprised that she had such a high opinion of him.

"Except for my parents, I have never admired anyone." Yan Xi answered his question indirectly. She didn't mean to look down on others, but the thoughts and concepts brought to her by her parents had been deeply ingrained, and she only admired others.

Hearing this, Gu Jinluo was a little surprised. He was suddenly curious about who Yanxi's parents were, who could establish unshakable admiration in her heart.

After Yan Xi finished eating, he saw that he was still eating slowly. He didn't know if it was because of his stomach trouble, or it was too unpalatable.

So, Yan Xi went to the kitchen and poured two cups of milk to warm up, and gave him one cup.

"Thank you." Gu Jinluo finally finished eating.

"You're welcome." Yan Xi cleaned up the dishes.

"I'll clean it up, you watch TV." Although Gu Jinluo hardly did any housework, she still knew how to wash the dishes.

"No, it will stain your clothes." Yan Xi immediately stopped him. Oil stains would ruin his expensive costume.

"It's okay." Gu Jinluo said quickly, if it wasn't for her, how could he be dressed like this.

"It's really not necessary." Yan Xi picked up the bowls and chopsticks and walked into the kitchen.

Gu Jinluo was distressed and helpless, why couldn't she understand what he meant?
There were only two bowls, and they were washed up quickly. Yan Xi cut two apples to treat his boss.

"There's also dragon fruit, do you want some?" Yan Xi put the fruit plate on the coffee table.

"I like to eat apples, do you also like to eat apples?" Gu Jinluo suddenly thought that she lived alone, so the fruits she bought must be the ones she likes.

"It's okay." Yan Xi picked up the remote control and turned on the news feed.

"Did no one ask you out today?" Gu Jinluo asked casually.

"No." Yan Xi picked up an apple and ate it.

How is this possible?Suspicion flashed across Gu Jinluo's eyes, Tian Na didn't look for her?Yin Zimo didn't ask her out?But anyway, now she is really at home, maybe rejecting others.

(End of this chapter)

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