I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 285 Official Confession 05

Chapter 285 Official Confession 05
After serving the appetizers, the waiter silently left.

"What are you doing?" Gu Jinluo couldn't help asking, the food was already served, and she was still playing with her mobile phone, not paying much attention to this dinner.

"It's nothing." Without raising his head, Yan Xi quickly swipe his finger on the screen, and he is about to win.

"Then what are you doing with your phone?" Gu Jinluo insisted on asking.

"I didn't do anything." Yan Xi's gaze was glued to the phone screen.

"Put down the phone without doing anything, it's dinner time." Gu Jinluo's face darkened, couldn't she appreciate his romance?
"I don't want to be so formal and serious." Yan Xi looked up at him, no matter how luxurious the dinner was, it was just an ordinary dinner without any meaning.

Gu Jinluo was speechless for a moment, he couldn't catch his breath, and was so angry that he lost his appetite.

Yan Xi put the phone in his pocket and started to eat the salad. This beautiful cheese mango salad is delicious.

Seeing this, Gu Jinluo's anger calmed down a little, and he also began to eat.

When it was almost time, the waiter knocked on the door, pushed the dining cart in, and set out two cream of mushroom soup.

After finishing, the waiter went out silently, the atmosphere here was too strange, and the couple was even more strange, neither talking nor making eye contact.

Yan Xi started drinking soup again.

Dinner went on in silence, save for the faint sound of knives and forks clinking.

Gu Jinluo observed her occasionally, she always looked very quiet, she was meticulous in table manners, her manners were calm and elegant, her clothes were conservative and low-key, and she was polite and courteous to others. In fact, she was not bad.

The phone in his pocket vibrated, Yan Xi took it out and saw it was Xiaoxia's call.

Yan Xi tapped to answer, and Zhuang Xiaoxia's voice came out.

"Yan Xi, are you off work? Where are you going to eat?"

"I'm outside, eating."

"Why are you outside? You didn't go to work today?"

"Go to work, go out to work, and eat out by the way."

"Going out to work? Do you have to be reimbursed for meals?" Zhuang Xiaoxia asked a nonsensical question.

"Yes." Yan Xi thought to himself, her week's salary in the company could not even afford this dinner.

"Then can we come and have dinner with you?" Zhuang Xiaoxia's eyes lit up when she heard that she had to be reimbursed.

"I'm almost done eating, don't come." Yan Xi said, eating with his boss, it was hard to digest.

"Forget it then, eat slowly, goodbye." Zhuang Xiaoxia hung up.

Yan Xi put away his phone and continued eating.

When the main course was almost finished, the waiter brought the last dessert.

"Give her the cake." Gu Jinluo said.

The waiter was stunned for a moment. This cake is called tiramisu, which means take me away. Is the man asking for marriage?
This guest is noble, elegant, and handsome, and the guests who can come here are either rich or expensive, he is simply the prince charming in the eyes of women.

On the other hand, the woman looks ordinary, she is not particularly outstanding, and her clothes are also very ordinary, but she is not worthy of the man. What luck has this woman had?

The waiter put the cake in front of Yan Xi, and then he went out silently, so he didn't bother others to propose marriage.

Yan Xi glanced at him again, the boss is a little strange today.

"Thank you." Yan Xi still thanked him politely, even though she didn't want to eat.

"You don't need to be polite to me." Gu Jinluo looked at her, maybe it was because of the soft lighting, she looked pretty like this.

(End of this chapter)

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