I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 286 Official Confession 06

Chapter 286 Official Confession 06
After eating for more than an hour, the sweets were almost eaten.

Yan Xi finished his salad and pasta, as well as the soup, and only ate half of the cake.

"The cake doesn't suit your taste?" Gu Jinluo noticed it. He thought that many women like chocolate-flavored cakes, but he didn't know that she didn't like it.

"I'm not picky, but I'm already full." Yan Xi took a napkin and wiped his mouth, she didn't want to eat chocolate.

Gu Jinluo suddenly couldn't understand her. She is not picky, has excellent self-cultivation, excellent patience, is neither happy nor angry, and has almost no weaknesses. Such a person is either indifferent, strong, or both. Tool.

After paying the bill, Gu Jinluo offered to send her home, but Yan Xi didn't refuse, the boss is always so gracious.

As soon as he walked out of the single room, he met two acquaintances.

Han Ziming stared at Yan Xi intently. About the Hanna reception, he originally danced with Yan Xi, but suddenly changed to a mermaid. Afterwards, he was photographed in bed by that shemale, which ruined his reputation. Can't find that shemale!

Han Mengli was wearing a small champagne-colored dress, her jet-black hair was tied behind her back, and her pretty face was painted with light makeup, exuding a clean and elegant temperament.

But the moment she saw the two of them coming out of the private room, Han Mengli froze and couldn't move, her eyes were full of astonishment.

Noticing Han Mengli's surprised expression, Yan Xi was a little embarrassed. Lan Muge said that Han Mengli was Gu Jinluo's girlfriend, so perhaps the person who had dinner with Gu Jinluo tonight should be Han Mengli.

"Miss Han, long time no see. I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first." Yan Xi walked away quickly, so she didn't bother them.

"Jin Luo..." Han Mengli's voice was so weak that it was almost inaudible, she just stared at Gu Jinluo in a daze.

"Miss Han, I'll take my leave too." After finishing speaking, Gu Jinluo hurried to chase after Yanxi.

Han Mengli's face was slightly pale, and she watched him pass her by. How is this possible?Even when she received Zhen Ni's photo before, she thought it was just a coincidence. How could Jin Luo and Yan Xi...

"Miss Han, can I help you?" The waiter was coming out of the private room, and noticed that Han Mengli's complexion was not very good. The Han family is a regular customer of Tilan Restaurant, and they often dine here.

"Just now, there was a couple having dinner inside?" Han Mengli looked at the scene full of retro romantic atmosphere in the single room, and she found it extremely glaring.

"Yes, the man proposed to the woman." The waiter said with a smile, does Miss Han like this private room?The style of the restaurant is European retro, and the theme styles of each private room are slightly different, such as retro romantic style, Gothic style, Renaissance style, Baroque style and so on.

Han Mengli looked in disbelief, Jin Luo proposed to Yan Xi?How is this possible?Isn't Lan Muge pursuing Yan Xi?

"What did you say?" Han Ziming looked at the waiter fiercely, Yan Xi hooked up with Gu Jinluo and wanted to get married?What about Mengli?
The waiter didn't understand why Han Ziming was angry, and he knew Han Ziming more or less. He was so different from Ms. Han, he didn't look like a brother and sister at all.

Han Ziming was extremely angry. If Mengli could not marry Gu Jinluo, his parents planned to let Mengli inherit most of the Han family's property and take over the family business, and he would have nothing by then!
Han Mengli was in a trance, how could she not compare to Yan Xi?
"Let's go! Parents are waiting for us." Han Ziming left angrily.


(End of this chapter)

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