I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 293 Equestrian Competition 03

Chapter 293 Equestrian Competition 03
"Yan Xi, where did you learn archery before?" Lan Muge had her own bow and arrow, and she just came to accompany Yan Xi to choose a bow and arrow. In modern society, few people know how to archery.

"When I was studying, my parents taught me." Yan Xi quickly chose a bow, her parents are good at horsemanship and archery.

Lan Muge was taken aback for a moment, thinking that her parents had passed away, so he didn't ask any more questions.

After choosing a bow, each person is equipped with arrows of different colors. These arrows have almost no lethality, but they can also hurt people, so playing this kind of hunting game is slightly dangerous.

"Why don't we divide into groups, Yan Xi and I are in a group, and Mr. Nick and Mr. Yun are in a group." Lan Muge said, this way he can promote communication with Yan Xi, and he is worried that Yan Xi will be in danger alone.

"This is not acceptable. If Mr. Lan and Ms. Yan are in a group, then Mr. Lan's intention is not to compete." Nick said otherwise.

"Mr. Nick is worrying too much." Lan Muge's intentions were exposed, but he was not embarrassed.

"I still want to be with Miss Yan." Nick joked.

"It depends on what Yan Xi means." Lan Muge looked at Yan Xi, Yan Xi would not choose to be with Nick, after all, Yan Xi and Nick did not know each other.

"What do you think, Ms. Yan? You can also choose to be in the same group as Mr. Yun." Nick was very casual.

"For the sake of fairness, I don't think there should be any grouping." Although Yan Xi didn't mind being in a group with anyone, it wasn't necessary.

"Then Miss Yan must be very confident that she will win." Nick smiled.

"On the contrary, I haven't played archery for a long time, no matter who I team up with, it will be unfair to him." Yan Xi was telling the truth.

"We are all happy to accept this unfairness." Nick said humorously.

In the end, there was no grouping, and each acted alone.

At the entrance of the grove, the staff explained the rules of the game.

There is a warning line around the grove, and the warning line cannot be crossed, otherwise the alarm will sound for 60 minutes.

"Miss Yan, I'm looking forward to your archery skills. See you later." Nick clamped his horse's belly and rode into the grove.

Yun Su also rode away with him.

Lan Muge came to Yan Xi's side and said, "Yan Xi, just play casually, don't take it seriously."

"I know, I'll see you later." Yan Xi patted the horse and walked slowly into the woods.

Lan Muge was a little depressed, finally had the opportunity to cooperate with Yan Xi, but was messed up by Nick.


The trees in the forest have been pruned so that horses can pass through unimpeded, and in order to prevent accidents, safety measures must be taken.

Yan Xi wandered in the woods, he was not in a hurry to find the target, he just shot an arrow when he saw the target, he didn't care if he could hit it, it was just for fun.

A moving target was seen moving back and forth between the two trees.

When Yan Xi took the arrow, the score would be higher if he moved the target, so he couldn't lose too badly.

Suddenly, I saw a shadow passing by in the woods.

Yan Xi glanced sideways, and the person not far away was Yun Su, who was also drawing his bow.

Yan Xi stopped his movements, the arrow was on the string, but he didn't release it for a long time.

Yun Su also noticed someone, so he raised his eyes.

In an instant, the two looked at each other silently.

"Miss Yan sees first, Miss Yan invites first." Yun Su withdrew his bow and arrow.

"Thank you." Yan Xi let go of his right hand.

With a whoosh, the arrow flew out, grazed the air, grazed the edge of the target, and disappeared into the woods.

The arrow missed, and the target was empty.

Yun Su glanced at Yan Xi lightly, and visually estimated that the distance to the archery target was eight meters, not too far or too close.

Missing the first shot and having no chance, Yan Xi retracted his bow and said, "Mr. Yun will invite you first this time."

Yun Su didn't hesitate, took the arrow, put it on the bowstring, took aim, and released the arrow.

There was a beeping sound, the sound of the arrow hitting the target. Although it didn't hit the heart, it still hit the sixth ring.

Seeing this, Yan Xi clamped his horse's belly and rode away.

Yun Su's gaze was far-reaching, and he suddenly felt that he couldn't understand Yan Xi. Hua mistakenly said that she was just an ordinary person. Is she really as simple as she appears on the surface?


(End of this chapter)

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