I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 294 Equestrian Competition 04

Chapter 294 Equestrian Competition 04
Lan Muge strolled half a circle in the woods. His archery skills are good, and the arrows in his quiver have been reduced by half.

Having never met Yan Xi, Lan Muge couldn't help but feel a little lack of interest.

Amid the rustling wind, came the slow sound of horseshoes.

Could it be Yan Xi?Lan Muge was pleasantly surprised and immediately followed the source of the sound.

However, the higher the hope, the greater the disappointment.

It was a bright black Dutch warmblood horse, and the man on the horse was Yun Su, whose sight was catching the red heart on the moving target.

Lan Muge speeded up, took out an arrow, drew the bow and let it go, all in one go.

With a whoosh, an arrow pierced through the sparse leaves and hit the target, and the blue fletching seemed to declare its victory.

Seeing the target being robbed, Yun Su fixed his eyes and saw the proud Lan Muge.

Some people are born so frivolous, flamboyant, and unscrupulous.

Lan Muge tightened the reins, and the horse stopped with a whimper, the movement was extremely beautiful.

Yun Su ignored it, changed the direction of the bow and arrow, and aimed at the target hidden in the tree.

With a whoosh, it hit the red heart, and the black arrow feathers were still trembling slightly, showing the strength of the arrow.

Lan Muge's eyes froze, no matter how you looked at Yun Su's posture, it was provocative.

Lan Muge didn't know that his own posture just now was a naked provocation. No one in Jingyang City is more arrogant than Lan Shao.

"Mr. Yun is good at arrows." Lan Muge smiled half a smile, and glanced at Yun Su's quiver, and the arrows were probably half missing.

"To each other." Yun Su was calm, and it was undeniable that Lan Muge had arrogance both in terms of identity and strength.

"Are you interested in a competition?" Lan Muge challenged. He didn't care about winning or losing, but wanted to see how strong Yun Su was.

"Extremely happy." Yun Su said, he also wanted to see how capable the heir of the Lan family was.

After speaking, the two raised their whips.

Two horses, one white and one black, galloped away, as fast as lightning.

Here, Lan Muge and Yun Su are at war, but on the other side of the woods, there is a leisurely mood.


Two Hanoverian horses walked side by side, pacing in the woods, very pleasant.

"What do Miss Yan think of Mr. Lan?" Nick rode the horse leisurely.

"A radiant person." Yan Xi didn't exaggerate, she had never seen Lan Muge's strength, but she was definitely not a playboy like him on the surface.

"Mr. Lan seems to care about Miss Yan very much." Nick didn't expect that the relationship between Yan Xi and Lan Muge would progress so quickly in less than two months.

"It just satisfies Mr. Lan's curiosity. It doesn't mean trust. I can't get in touch with the inside of the Lan family, let alone the Duan family." Yan Xi drew his bow and arrow, but it was a pity that he missed it.

"If it was so easy to enter the interior of the Lan family and the Duan family, Ante Dick would have solved the Lan family and Duan family long ago. Miss Yan, don't worry, An Te Dick is good at fishing for big fish with a long line, and he can get as much success as he has patience. "

"Mr. Nick is right." Yan Xi quite agrees.

"And I think that Mr. Lan may not only be curious about Miss Yan. With Mr. Lan's status and status, he has never seen any woman before. Curiosity has long since disappeared among women with their own strengths. Perhaps for Mr. Lan, Miss Yan is worthwhile. The people you make friends with are even worthy of admiration." Although Nick doesn't have a deep friendship with Lan Muge, they often come out to play, and if they meet a lot, they will always get to know each other better.

(End of this chapter)

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