I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 295 Equestrian Competition 05

Chapter 295 Equestrian Competition 05
"Mr. Nick means that Mr. Lan is in love with me?" Yan Xi didn't think so.

"It's hard to say." Nick smiled, and then changed the topic: "However, regardless of whether Mr. Lan is in love with Miss Yan at the moment, I have to advise Miss Yan that a man like Mr. Lan can play for fun, but he can't take it seriously. .”

"Really?" Yan Xi frowned slightly, she didn't intend to play tricks on others.

"Power, money, and love all blind people's eyes, and Miss Yan seems to be able to get all three of these from Mr. Lan." Nick said with a hint, what does a person like Yan Xi want?
"Power and love are not within the scope of what I want." As an employee, Yan Xi's purpose is naturally for money.

"What about money? The Xingyu Group's financial resources are beyond our imagination, and it also involves a huge Duan family, and Duan Xunge is not easy to deal with. Power and money can maintain love, but love cannot maintain power and money. Even Miss Yan Becoming the mistress of the Lan family may not be able to gain a foothold for a long time." Nick's words implied a warning.

"Mr. Nick is worrying too much. I know myself. With my status, I will never be able to enter the gate of the Lan family. Besides, I don't like to be given alms, and I don't like to seek pleasure." Yan Xi said, Although the words were perfunctory to Nick, they were also her truth.

"We live for pleasure, don't we?" Nick asked.

"I believe that Mr. Nick will not accept the pleasure given by others. What is better than pleasure is dignity. In other words, dignity is the highest pleasure. Isn't that true for Mr. Nick?" Yan Xi took out an arrow.

"Hehe, what Miss Yan said is exactly what I thought in my heart. What I said just now was not to underestimate Miss Yan's charm, but that Ante Dick will never tolerate betrayers, and I don't want Miss Yan to become the next Xue Lian." There was a cold light hidden in Nick's blue eyes.

"Absolutely not." Yan Xi said with firmness, he let go of the arrow on the bowstring, and hit the red heart with a whoosh.

"Good archery, I trust Miss Yan." Nick smiled approvingly.

"Thank you." Yan Xi put away his bow and arrow.

Seeing that it was almost time, the two rode out of the woods.

After a while, Lan Muge and Yun Su also came out of the woods, and there were not many arrows left in their quiver.

The staff went into the woods to count the number of arrows and score them.

"Mr. Lan and Mr. Yun should be on par." Nick saw the quiver of the two.

"Mr. Nick's record today doesn't seem to be ideal." Lan Muge also looked at Nick's quiver, and heard that Nick likes archery and is good at archery.

"I met Miss Yan just now. My eyesight is far inferior to Miss Yan's. Miss Yan snatched the target." Nick looked helpless.

"Yan Xi, I didn't expect you to be so good at archery!" Lan Muge said in surprise.

Yan Xi really didn't want to talk, but Lan Muge's praise for her made her speechless.

After a while, the staff finished counting. According to the scoring, Mr. Lan won with 108 points, followed by Mr. Yun with 102 points, Ms. Yan ranked third with 75 points, and Mr. Nick came last with 62 points.

Although Lan Muge won, he didn't feel very happy. It's just that Yun Su's archery skills are not bad. As an architectural designer, it is really surprising.

"The result is almost predictable, but today I am happy to lose. It is about lunch time. If possible, allow me to treat everyone to lunch. Do you have an appointment with Mr. Lan and Ms. Yan?" Nick looked at the two of them, with deep meaning asked.

"I still want to continue horseback riding with Yan Xi for a while, it's only 11:30." Lan Muge looked at his watch, he wanted to be alone with Yan Xi, and of course he didn't want to waste time with Nick and Yun Su.

Nick showed a clear expression, and said, "Then another day, what do you think Miss Yan?"

Yan Xi smiled slightly: "I'm extremely happy."

Lan Muge smiled happily, of course he wanted to have another time with Yan Xi.

"Don't bother you two, goodbye." Nick led the horse and prepared to leave.

"Goodbye." Yun Su glanced at Yan Xi.

"Goodbye." Yan Xi looked at him calmly.

Nick and Yunsu left together.

(End of this chapter)

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