I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 296 Equestrian Competition 06

Chapter 296 Equestrian Competition 06
Lan Muge looked at Yan Xi, and asked thoughtfully, "Are you tired? Shall we have lunch now? Where do you want to eat?"

Yan Xi said, "You decide."

"Generally, when a woman tells a man that you have made a decision, the man will be very distressed, because he can't guess what the woman wants to eat today. If she chooses a restaurant that she doesn't like, it may make her unhappy. Do you have anything special to eat? ?” Lan Muge asked, more importantly, he wanted to know her taste.

"I can accept sweet, bitter, spicy food. Of course, I am not so easy to accept extremely sweet, bitter, spicy food. Choose what you like, I am not too picky."

"There are very few people who are not picky like you." Lan Muge said, he had an indescribably strange feeling in his heart, she asked him to choose what he liked, as if she was caring for him.

After handing over the horse to the trainer, the two went back to the locker room and changed their clothes.

Yan Xi took out his cell phone from his pocket and took a look. There were more than a dozen missed calls, all with the same number, and there was also a text message from Ye Piaopiao.

Yan Xi replied to Ye Piaopiao's text message: I'm not at the company, so I can't have lunch with you.

"Yan Xi, can we go?" Lan Muge also changed his clothes and came out.

"It's fine." Just as Yan Xi was about to put away the phone, the phone rang. Seeing the number of the caller, she hung up the call and turned off the phone by the way.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?" Lan Muge asked casually, whose phone did she hang up on?
"Scam marked number." Yan Xi put the phone in his pocket.

"Now there are too many boring calls from fraud and sales promotion." Lan Muge said clearly.

Looking at the time, it was nearly twelve o'clock, so I had lunch near Nanshan.

The Nanshan Outdoor Sports Ground not only has a horse farm, but also a football field, a golf course, a racing track, etc., and of course hotels and restaurants are indispensable.

I chose the restaurant on the top floor of the hotel, where you can almost see the scenery of Nanshan.

"Master Lan!" The manager of the restaurant stepped forward to greet him with a look of surprise.

Lan Muge glanced over, and the manager immediately returned to normal. When he saw Lan Shao bringing a female friend, he instantly became interested.

The manager arranged an excellent location, the dining table was next to the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, and one could see the winding mountain road at a glance, which was the mountain road racing track.

Lan Muge pushed the menu in front of Yan Xi.

Yan Xi flipped through the menu casually, and quickly ordered mango salad, spaghetti with tomato sauce, and creamy mushroom soup, all of which were regular dishes.

"I remember the first time I ate with you. You ordered salad and pasta." Lan Muge was so impressed that he managed to invite her to dinner that day, even though he knew she didn't want to.

"You insisted on me ordering the main course, and then you ordered snowflake sirloin steak, chicken macaroni, creamy matsutake soup, and vanilla ice cream." Yan Xi also remembered what he ordered at that time.

"It's been so long, so you remember it so clearly." Lan Muge was a little surprised. Did she also pay attention to him at that time?He thought she didn't like him very much at the time.

"Just remember it." Yan Xi didn't remember it deliberately, but her memory has always been quite good.

"Would you like steak? It can be paired with red wine. What kind of red wine do you like?" Lan Muge was still flipping through the menu. Of course, red wine is indispensable for steak.

"Don't order wine, you may have to drive later." Although it is difficult for her to get drunk, she doesn't think the taste of red wine is so good. Simply put, she doesn't appreciate it.

"That's right, we ordered red wine when we ate together for the first time. Why didn't you remind me?" Lan Muge joked. Of course, he can drink very well, and the alcohol content of red wine is very low, so he will never get drunk.

"I didn't know you well at the time."

"Now you finally admit that you are very familiar with me." Lan Muge looked happy. As a master in the field of love, he has pursued many women, and he has also met women who cannot be chased, but he has never met such a special woman as Yan Xi. woman.

Maybe it's not that Yan Xi is special, on the contrary, whether it is appearance, family background, knowledge, temperament, etc., Yan Xi seems to be relatively ordinary, but she feels very special to him.

(End of this chapter)

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