I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 300 Equestrian Competition 10

Chapter 300 Equestrian Competition 10
Yan Xi had nothing to do until [-]:[-] in the morning, when Tian Na arranged work for her in the working group chat.

Tian Na finds it strange that the president assigns work to Yan Xi, why is it conveyed through her?

In fact, the president can tell Yan Xi directly, without such a hassle.

Tian Na sent a message: I went to Country Y's company branch for further study in October, and I will resign in mid-September. I heard that Assistant Qin is looking for a new secretary.

Yan Xi replied: I see.

Tian Na didn't say anything anymore. If the new secretary came, Yan Xi would probably be fired. Although Yan Xi didn't seem to care much about it, the position of secretary to the president has a high monthly salary and good benefits. If there is no better place to go, she hopes that Yan Xi Xi can do it.

When she was about to get off work, Tian Na hesitated for a moment, and sent another message: I sprained my foot last time, thank you for helping me take out my high heels, and treat you to lunch.

Yan Xi replied: If you hadn't invited me to lunch last time, maybe you wouldn't have sprained your ankle.

Seeing Yan Xi's message, Tian Na gave a rare smile and replied: I don't mind spraining my foot again.

After getting off work at noon, Tian Na and Yan Xi left the administration department together.

Zhen Ni took a look, Tian Na and Yan Xi have always been alone, when did they get together?

"Jenny, do you want to have lunch together?" Xu Yonglin knocked on Jenny's desk.

"No, I brought my own lunch today." Jenny looked apologetic.

"Oh, there is no one who wants to eat with someone who is broken in love." Xu Yonglin's tone was quiet.

"You seem to have been out of love for a long time." Zhen Ni laughed, Xu Yonglin's love was broken more than a month ago.

"Who made me love too deeply." Xu Yonglin showed a sad expression.

"Xiao Ru hasn't left yet, why don't you find her to accompany you to have lunch." Zhen Ni said, and everyone else was almost off work.

"She's waiting for her boyfriend." Xu Yonglin said angrily, Kong Ru is a hypocritical bitch, how can her boyfriend bear her?
Jenny expressed that she was helpless.

"I can only go to the staff restaurant to eat." Xu Yonglin left.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, the employees of the administrative department began to work one after another.

When Yan Xi returned to his office, he found that the computer was poisoned after turning it on, and almost the entire system was paralyzed. When he tried to open the document he had made before, all the documents turned into garbled characters.

Yan Xi frowned, she didn't lock the computer, this computer has no secrets, and the work content is just some ordinary paperwork, even if it needs to be redone, it won't be troublesome.

"Yan Xi, why are you frowning? Are you uncomfortable?" Zhen Ni passed by holding a stack of documents.

"It's okay, my computer is poisoned, and many files have been damaged." Yan Xi glanced at Zhen Ni.

"Is it serious? Let me take a look." Zhen Ni walked up to Yan Xi with a concerned face.

Yan Xi moved his position and watched Zhen Ni make trouble.

Jenny pressed the mouse, tried to run various programs and anti-virus, and seriously repaired the computer system.

Jenny fiddled with it for about 10 minutes, and finally said apologetically: "This is a cloud virus. Unfortunately, you were shot. The backups in the computer are from a long time ago. Now I'm afraid I can only reinstall the system, and the disk is also infected with the virus. gone."

"It should be repairable." Yan Xi was not in a hurry, without any worries.

"Who can I ask to fix it?" Zhen Ni asked suspiciously. There are several male employees in the administration department who claim to be computer experts, but she believes that they will never be able to solve it.

"Myself." Yan Xi tapped the keyboard quickly with his fingers.

"You? Can you repair computers?" Zhen Ni looked surprised. This cloud virus is a processed super virus, and it is difficult for even a computer expert to solve it.

"Before I came to the administration department, I was a computer repairman in the maintenance department." Yan Xi said, although he was generally responsible for hardware maintenance and solving some common problems.

"Aren't you a clerk in the maintenance department before?" Jenny's face changed slightly. The maintenance department is only responsible for the normal operation of the company's facilities, and various troubleshooting, and sometimes even cleans the glass and tiles on the exterior of the building. Simply put, it is a maintenance worker .

"Two roles at the same time." Yan Xi tapped the keyboard very fast, and the code with black background and white characters ran quickly.

"So that's how it is." Zhen Ni forced a smile, so she enthusiastically helped Yan Xi check the computer just now, did Yan Xi just read her jokes?All that she's done was in vain?

The computer has returned to normal, Yan Xi continued to repair the damaged file, and within 2 minutes, the file was also repaired successfully.

"Did the repair succeed? I didn't expect you to be a computer expert." Although Zhen Ni was resentful in her heart, she kept a sweet smile no matter when and where, her workplace rules.

"I just learned it before." Yan Xi opened the document and continued working.

"I won't disturb your work anymore." Jenny then left.

Yan Xi glanced at Zhen Ni's back, she didn't know where she offended Zhen Ni, she and Zhen Ni did not have a competitive relationship, even if the company fired her, it might not be possible that Zhen Ni would be promoted to be the president's secretary.Zhen Ni is good at dealing with social relations and has high work ability, but she is good at making money, and lacks Tian Na's professional ethics and love for work.

Yan Xi spent an hour to complete all the work, printed and bound the documents and put them on Tian Na's desk.

"You don't need to give it to me. After showing Assistant Qin that there is no problem, let the president sign it." Tian Na said, this is the president's order.

"Understood." Yan Xi picked up the file and left, going upstairs to Qin Hao's office.

(End of this chapter)

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