I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 301 Conspiracy Emerges 01

Chapter 301 Conspiracy Emerges 01
There are only a few offices on the entire 29th floor, one of which is Qin Hao's office, after all, it is convenient for the president to be there at any time.

"Come in." Hearing the knock on the door, Qin Hao was unavoidably surprised when he saw the person coming. After all, Yan Xi's position was idle and he rarely came to him.

"Assistant Qin, check to see if there is any problem. If there is no problem, sign it for the president." Yan Xi put down the document.

"You can call me by my name, we can be regarded as friends." Qin Hao felt very depressed. Yan Xi's work attitude was as serious as Tian Na's. He didn't have a relationship with Yan Xi, but because Yan Xi and Piao Piao were friends. relation.

"It is." Yan Xi responded.

"The report is a bit long. I may have to read it for a while. If there is no problem, I will send it to the president for signature. If there is any problem, I will send it to you for revision."

"Okay." Yan Xi left.

Qin Hao finished reading it in 15 minutes. It was just a work report, and it didn't need to be too rigorous. It was just used to store in the company's database. Overall, there was no major problem.

Qin Hao went to the president's office and put the documents on the desk.

"President, I've checked it out, and there's nothing wrong with it."

Gu Jinluo opened the file and looked at it, and said, "Since when did you take over the secretary's job?"

It was only then that Qin Hao realized that something was wrong, and his behavior could not be called overreaching at all. It turned out that the CEO deliberately arranged work for Yan Xi and asked Yan Xi to come to the CEO's office on purpose.

"President, I suddenly remembered that there are two items that have not been revised. I will ask Secretary Yan to revise them immediately."

Gu Jinluo closed the folder and pushed the file forward.

Qin Hao picked up the file and left quickly.

After Qin Hao returned to the office, he flipped through the documents and looked at them carefully, no matter what he had to pick out two problems.

It's not easy to be an assistant to the president. You have to handle the work well and figure out what the president is thinking.

Qin Hao crossed out two places with a red pen, wrote more rigorous sentences, and then went to the administration department.

"Yanxi, there are two places that are not very strict. I circled them with a red pen. After you modify them, print them out and bring them to the president for signature before sending them to the database." Qin Hao handed over the folder.

"Understood." Yan Xi took the folder and opened the file on the computer to modify it.

It took less than a minute to modify it. After printing and binding, Yan Xi went up to the 1th floor.

After knocking on the door and entering the CEO's office, seeing that Gu Jinluo seemed to be very busy, Yan Xi put the folder on the desk.

"President, please sign."

Gu Jinluo didn't glance at her, opened the document directly to sign, then closed the document and pushed it forward, a logical work procedure.

"President, I'll go out first." Yan Xi picked up the folder and left.

Gu Jinluo just looked at her back, is she so calm?Without the slightest regret for rejecting him?He didn't know what was wrong with him at all, he didn't even know why she rejected him, how could he lose for no reason?
When the door of the office was closed and her figure disappeared, Gu Jinluo felt restless. There were still two months and ten days before her labor contract expired.
The vigorous and resolute means in the market suddenly become useless.

When it comes to emotional matters, he won't act on the spot like Mu Ge, and he won't be hypocritical. He always feels that he just needs to let nature take its course.

However, at this moment, letting things take their course is tantamount to giving up, tantamount to admitting that what he did before was just a joke, how could he allow it?


(End of this chapter)

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