I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 302 Conspiracy Emerges 02

Chapter 302 Conspiracy Emerges 02
Recently, the weather has been calm, Yan Xi goes to and from get off work on time every day, and completes his work efficiently, President Gu completely ignores her.

This Thursday, it only took one morning to complete the work assigned by Tian Na, and Yan Xi continued to play games after having nothing to do in the afternoon.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Are you at home?
[Friend] Lone Traveler: In the company.

Lan Muge looked at the time. It is 02:30 in the afternoon. She just went to work not long ago. She is playing games in the company at this time. Could it be that she is free?Or maybe she really doesn't like the job of a secretary.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Are you free this weekend?

[Friend] Lone Traveler: Undecided.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: If you are free, can I ask you out?
[Friend] Lone Traveler: Let's talk on the weekend.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Have you really decided to resign?
[Friend] Lone Traveler: There are still two months until the labor contract expires.

Lan Muge understood that after signing a labor contract, she would have to pay liquidated damages if she resigns without reason before the contract expires, but if she wants to resign immediately, he should tell A Luo that it should be fine and there is no need to pay liquidated damages.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: You play games at work, aren't you afraid of being reported on?

[Friend] Lone Traveler: Then I can resign earlier.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Okay, are you free now?Not working?

[Friend] Lone Walker: The boss didn't order.

Lan Muge was thoughtful, he didn't know how Yanxi's work ability was, and how much knowledge he had.

But like ordinary people, she often plays games during working hours to complete the work assigned by her boss, and plays games or sneaks in the rest of the time. She receives a stable salary and follows the steps. This kind of life is almost unchanged.

This is a phenomenon of most white-collar workers. It seems that they don't use fragmented time to add value to themselves, and they don't think about life in the long run.

He doesn't underestimate this kind of life and life. In fact, this kind of leisurely life is not bad. There is no huge ambition and ambition, and he will not face any extremely high risks. It is a relatively ordinary life.

He just finds it strange that Yan Xi's character is very calm, and his words and deeds are calm and composed. This kind of person usually has some confidence and capital, not like someone who loves to play or likes to take a break.

If she doesn't like the job of a secretary and likes to play games, with her hand speed and strategy, she can become a professional gamer, but she doesn't.


"Yan Xi is a computer expert, let Yan Xi try." Zhen Ni's soft voice suddenly sounded in the office.

Yan Xi looked up and saw Zhen Ni's sweet smile.

Yan Xi replied to Lan Muge's last message: I have something to do, go offline.

The male employees around all looked at Yan Xi in disbelief. Everyone knew that Yan Xi was the president's secretary, almost on an equal footing with Secretary Tian, ​​but Yan Xi was even more out of gregarious than Tian Na, and had never even chatted a word with the male employees in the administration department. .

A few male employees enthusiastically helped Xu Yonglin fix the computer just now, but they didn't solve the problem. They didn't believe that Yan Xi, the secretary, could solve the problem.

"Secretary Yan, can you repair computers?" Xu Yonglin was also a little unconvinced. Ah Feng, who usually claimed to be a computer expert, said that there was no hope and he had to reinstall the system.

"What's the problem?" Yan Xi turned off the game.

"I don't know what's the problem. Just now, the screen went black suddenly. After restarting several times, it was still a blue screen. Ah Feng solved the problem of the blue screen, but all the documents I made just now are all garbled, and many programs can't be opened." Xu Yonglin showed a sad face. , which took her two days to complete.

(End of this chapter)

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