I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 303 Conspiracy Emerges 03

Chapter 303 Conspiracy Emerges 03
"Yan Xi is very powerful. Last time when the computer system crashed, Yan Xi was able to solve it." Zhen Ni's words showed admiration.

"Really? Yan Xi, it's up to you, otherwise I'll have to work overtime tonight." Xu Yonglin's eyes sparkled with hope.

Yan Xi glanced at Zhen Ni and walked to Xu Yonglin's office without saying a word.

Xu Yonglin immediately got up and gave up the swivel chair.

The few male employees who helped Xu Yonglin repair the computer just surrounded them, looking at the fast flashing black and white codes, they were dazzled and couldn't understand what it was.

Several male employees looked unnatural. It turns out that they are experts. After all, they are not professional computer repairers.

"See if there are any problems." Yan Xi got up and gave up the swivel chair.

Xu Yonglin immediately opened the previous document, except for the wrong format, everything was there.

"It's okay. Yan Xi, thank you." Xu Yonglin looked grateful, she didn't have to work overtime tonight.

"You're welcome." Yan Xi left.

Several male employees took a few glances at Yan Xi, and everyone knew that Yan Xi was usually quiet and rather cold and serious.

"Secretary Yan, my computer often crashes, and some software always quits for no reason, can you help me find out what's going on?" Kong Ru took the opportunity to shout.

"Secretary Yan, I also have a problem with my computer, can you check it for me?"

"Secretary Yan, are you free? My computer freezes frequently, and the running programs are super slow. Is there any help?" Another male employee said, in fact, he has always had a crush on Yan Xi, but he has never been given one. Eyes, now's your chance.

"Secretary Yan, I also have some problems with my computer. Can you teach me how you fixed Xu Yonglin's computer just now?" Gao Feng said not to be outdone. During the "chance encounter" Yan Xi, they only said a few words, and they never broke through the relationship.

"The internal line of the company's maintenance department is 12578, you can find professionals." Yan Xi said calmly.

Before they could react, they had already heard Tian Na's cold and polite voice.

"There are four or five computers in the Administration Department that are malfunctioning, please send someone up to overhaul them as soon as possible." Tian Na hung up after finishing speaking.

Several people looked embarrassed, especially the male employees. Although Tian Na looked delicate and gentle, she was very indifferent. She worked hard and never meddled in her own business. Why was she so enthusiastic today?

In private, they also discussed about the company's female employees, who is how, and of course they also discussed Yan Xi and Tian Na, and Ah Feng was also a little interested in Yan Xi.

After a while, Zhuang Xiaoxia and Hua Cuo came up.

Yan Xi's office was in the corner near the door, and the two greeted Yan Xi.

Zhuang Xiaoxia adjusted her glasses. She had never been to the administration department, but she already knew that the highest department in the company was the administration department. Not only was the environment very tall, but the employees were also very tall.

Zhuang Xiaoxia is wearing a youthful skirt and professional suit, with a long ponytail and light makeup on her face. Although she can't be called a big beauty, she is young, fresh and cute.

Many male employees suddenly felt their eyes light up. Why didn't they know that there would be beautiful women in the maintenance department?

"Which computer failed?" Zhuang Xiaoxia's voice was sweet.

"My computer."

"I have a problem with mine too!"

Several male employees who were still single immediately rushed to raise their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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