I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 304 Conspiracy Emerges 04

Chapter 304 Conspiracy Emerges 04
"Hua Cuo, I'll leave it to you." Zhuang Xiaoxia stuffed the repair sheet into Hua Cuo's hands.

With a weird smile, Hua Cuo walked to the desk of a man in a suit and asked, "What's the problem?"

"Come on, slow down." The man in the suit said two words with an unhappy face. What he wanted was a beautiful woman, not a man who was taller or more handsome than him.

"Please give way." Hua Cuo had a friendly attitude.

The man in the suit had no choice but to get up and give up the swivel chair.

Hua wrongly sat down, tapped the keyboard quickly with her slender fingers, and said after a while: "Do you know why your computer is stuck and slow?"

"I know I need you to fix it?" The man in the suit sneered, after all, there is no need to be polite to a maintenance worker in the maintenance department.

"Because the system disk hides a lot of Adult Video, or AV for short, which is almost 10G. Of course, the computer is stuck, and some videos contain viruses. It is difficult to completely remove them with general antivirus software. I suggest you delete these videos." Hua Wrong The volume wasn't high, but it was loud enough for the entire administration department to hear.

The female employees all looked at the man in the suit, 10G AV?

The man in the suit's face was red and black, and his eyes were fiercely hostile to Hua Cuo.

Hua Mio turned a blind eye, wrote two lines on the repair sheet, and asked the man in the suit to sign it.

The man in the suit took a look, because the 10G Adult Video was hidden in the system disk, causing the computer to run slowly.

The man in the suit had a dark face, how could he sign this maintenance order, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "You don't need to fix it!"

Hua mistakenly threw the repair order into the wastebasket next to him, got up and left the swivel chair, and asked, "Who else has a problem with their computer?"

The male employees who raised their hands positively just now all died down.

"Mine, mine!" Kong Ru waved her fair little hand, her eyes were shining brightly, looking at the beautiful man.

"How can I help you?" Hua Cuo's attitude was equally friendly.

"I don't know why it keeps crashing. Some software suddenly quits for no reason. Sometimes I forget to save it, and I have to redo it again." Kong Ru gave up her seat and complained.

Hua moved the mouse by mistake, checked the computer system, then shut down, and took apart the case.

"The CPU performance index is low, the usage rate is too high, and the heat dissipation is not good. Change the CPU and heat sink, and add a 240G solid-state drive to make your computer speed up." Hua Cuo wasted company resources indifferently.

Ordinary copywriting work does not require a high-end computer at all.

"How long will it take to fix this?" Kong Ru blinked. The handsome man is not only beautiful, but also has a super good figure. He is very sunny, evil and handsome, not at all like those computer nerds who wear glasses and are lifeless.

"It takes 10 minutes to change the hardware, and it takes 10 minutes to wait. Wait for me." Hua left by mistake and went back to the maintenance department to get the parts.

Kong Ru's face was full of confusion, he could do it for five or six ten minutes, why didn't he ask her name?

After a while, Hua took the accessories by mistake and started to install them.

"Do you usually play WeChat?" Kong Ru held a 5.0-inch mainstream touch-screen mobile phone in a pink case.

"Can't play." Hua Cuo immediately took out a mobile phone from his trouser pocket.

A push-button phone with a screen less than 2 inches.

Kong Ru froze for a moment, then smiled: "You are so humorous."

Hua changed the accessories by mistake, turned it on normally, and then wrote a maintenance order: "It has been repaired. If you are free, you can reinstall the system to the solid-state drive. The computer will run faster. If you have any questions, you can call the extension 12578. Please sign."

(End of this chapter)

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