I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 305 Conspiracy Emerges 05

Chapter 305 Conspiracy Emerges 05
Kong Ru took a pen to sign, and looked at the name on the repair sheet by the way: "It turns out that your name is wrong, your name is really special."

"Thank you for the compliment, goodbye." Hua took the maintenance order by mistake and left.

Kong Ru's face was full of reluctance, even his back was so eye-catching, but unfortunately he was just a computer repairman, why didn't he become a star?It simply kills film in seconds.

Zhuang Xiaoxia has already left.

When Hua Cuo passed by Yan Xi's office, he stopped and asked in a low voice, "Yan Xi, do you want to play WeChat?"

Yan Xi glanced at him and said, "Not playing."

Hua Cuo looked at her and said, "We'll have dinner with Piao Piao and the others tonight, and you're the only one missing, shall we go?"

"Yes." Yan Xi responded.

"We'll wait for you in the maintenance department, see you later." Hua Cuo left.

After Huacuo left, Kong Ru asked, "Secretary Yan, do you know Huacuo?"

She saw Hua Cuo whispering to Yan Xi just now, they seemed very close.

Yan Xi said, "I used to be a clerk in the maintenance department, and Hua Cuo is my colleague."

"So that's the case, does he have a girlfriend?" Kong Ru asked again.

"I don't know." Yan Xi said.

"Xiao Ru, why do you care about others so much?" Xu Yonglin looked at Kong Ru.

"When will our company have such a handsome and beautiful male animal?" Kong Ru was intoxicated. Not only did he have a first-class appearance and figure, he also didn't want to add WeChat when he opened his mouth. The AV, so handsome!

"Don't you already have a boyfriend?" Xu Yonglin looked contemptuous, and became crazy when she saw a slightly handsome man.

"Don't mention this disappointing thing, okay?" Kong Ru returned to normal in an instant.

Xu Yonglin turned around and continued to work.


Hua makes a mistake and returns to the maintenance department, only to see Ye Piaopiao also there.

"I'll treat you to dinner after get off work, and Yan Xi will come too, so I'll treat you." Hua Cuo sat down in her office.

"Really? Where to eat?" Zhuang Xiaoxia's eyes lit up instantly.

"You decide." Hua Mi started the computer and began to enter today's maintenance records.

"Qin Hao made an appointment with me at noon, can you bring him? Let him invite you." Ye Piaopiao said, everyone has known each other for so long, and she and Qin Hao haven't formally invited everyone to dinner yet.

"Okay, let me invite him, next time." Hua Cuo said.

"Flowers are wrong, you don't need to ask, I will." He Qingshan interrupted very proudly.

Hua Cuo looked at He Qingshan with a half-smile, as if he had seen through his intention.

He Qingshan sneered.

"Director He, why are you suddenly so generous today?" Ye Piaopiao looked at He Qingshan.

"I haven't seen Zi Mo for a long time, I asked him if he is free tonight." He Qingshan went back to the office in an instant, closed the door and made a phone call.

Ye Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia understood instantly.

Zhuang Xiaoxia felt puzzled: "Is Yan Xi and that Tina out of business?"

Ye Piaopiao said angrily: "Fuck you, I heard from Qin Hao that Tina will go to country Y to study in October, and will go there for at least a year or two."

Zhuang Xiaoxia was overjoyed, but she remembered something again: "The last time your birthday was at Kaman's Bar, I asked Yan Xi when I went to the bathroom with Yan Xi, and she seemed to say that she and Dr. Yin were just friends."

Ye Piaopiao said: "What kind of couple didn't develop from friends? Love at first sight is not reliable."

Zhuang Xiaoxia thought about it and felt that it made sense.

"Hua Cuo, what do you think?" Zhuang Xiaoxia looked over and saw that he was working hard, and Hua Cuo was also very concerned about Yan Xi.

"No." Hua mistakenly typed the last word and saved it.


(End of this chapter)

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