I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 306 Conspiracy Emerges 06

Chapter 306 Conspiracy Emerges 06
Assistant's office on the 29th floor.

Qin Hao received Ye Piaopiao's message, and he was particularly entangled, should he send this message to the president?

He really doesn't want to pry into his boss's private affairs, but this seems to be related to his boss's future relationship, even his physical life, and even his marriage. What if Yan Xi really becomes the CEO's girlfriend or even his wife in the future!

Qin Hao moved the mouse and switched to the dialogue window with his boss. How can he express himself more naturally?
After thinking about it for a while, Qin Hao sent a message: Why did Yan Xi and Yin Zimo suddenly have dinner with us?I've already made a reservation. Can Yin Zimo come over at 06:30 tonight?

Without giving his boss a chance to reply, Qin Hao immediately sent another message: wrong.

After that, he didn't see any reply from his boss. Qin Hao felt elated, and the president thought it was him who sent the wrong message.

Three or ten minutes later, Qin Hao received an order from his boss: hold a meeting with Keer Company tomorrow, prepare the meeting content and proposals, and notify the employees who will follow up the project to work overtime tonight.

Qin Hao immediately felt regretful. He planned to have candlelight dinner with Piao Piao. Even if he didn't eat candle light dinner, he could still have dinner with Piao Piao and others, but now he has to work overtime. Is he doing it on his own?


Tian Na in the administration department has already received the notice, and then notified the employees who are working overtime tonight.

"Why is the meeting tomorrow? Isn't it next week?" Xu Yonglin looked puzzled, and she didn't want to work overtime.

"I heard that the vice president of Keer's headquarters came to discuss in person. Has he come?" Kong Ru asked. Keer, one of the companies with the most advanced anti-theft system technology in the world, is headquartered in country D and has a domestic subsidiary. It's in Jingyang City.

"We don't need to know this. I don't want to stay here tonight and work." Tian Na said, the company is cooperating with Cole Company for the first time, and the meeting time is undecided. Now it is suddenly announced that the meeting will be held tomorrow, and many materials have not yet been prepared. Tonight Should have to work late.

"I can't escape the fate of working overtime." Kong Ru complained, her boyfriend is usually very busy, and it is rare for him to invite her to eat Western food tonight, and now he wants to eat fast food.

Yan Xi also received the notification, and then a bunch of work content was sent over.

Yan Xi sent Ye Piaopiao a message: I work overtime tonight, so I can't have dinner with you.

Ye Piaopiao replied: I know, Qin Hao also has to work overtime, and the dinner is cancelled.Don't worry, when I order fast food for Qin Hao at seven o'clock tonight, I will order one for you by the way.

The company's employee canteen only serves breakfast and lunch, not dinner, so fast food can only be ordered at night.

Yan Xi replied with a thank you, and started to work quickly.

Ye Piaopiao sent Qin Hao a message: What do you want for dinner?I'll make an order for you at seven o'clock.

Qin Hao replied: You don't seem to have tried to cook and deliver meals to me.

Ye Piaopiao smiled, and replied: If you can eat, I can cook for you.

Qin Hao was stunned immediately, he had eaten the dark food made by Piao Piao once, and he definitely didn't want to eat it again.

Qin Hao replied: You don't need to make an order for me. I just received a notice that the company will make a unified order for tonight.

Ye Piaopiao also received a message from Yan Xi in an instant, also saying that there is no need to order food.The treatment of the top management is different. When the human resources department works overtime, although the meal expenses are reimbursed, the company has never deliberately ordered meals.


(End of this chapter)

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