I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 307 Conspiracy Emerges 07

Chapter 307 Conspiracy Emerges 07
Until seven o'clock in the evening, many departments of the company were still brightly lit.

When Kong Ru complained that she was about to die of starvation, the delivery man came with an incubator to deliver the food.

Seeing the delivery staff wearing unique costumes and the LOGO on the incubator, Kong Ru was instantly refreshed.

"Dinner at Liyuan Restaurant? Does Liyuan Restaurant have fast food orders?" Xu Yonglin looked surprised. Liyuan Restaurant is one of the famous Cantonese restaurants in Jingyang City.

"The facts are in front of you." Kong Ru immediately went to pick up the food, she was about to starve to death.

Employees working overtime went to pick up their meals one after another. Each box of dinner was labeled with dishes. Everyone can pick up meals according to their own taste, and there are several soups to choose from.

The last few people who picked up the food had nothing to choose, and the more expensive dishes had already been picked away.

Tian Na and Yan Xi were almost the last ones to pick up the meal, Yan Xi didn't pick anything, so he just took a portion.

"Xiao Ru, what's yours?" Xu Yonglin looked around.

"Eel baked rice and lotus seed lily syrup." Kong Ru opened the lunch box, and the aroma of baked eels wafted out. It was worth not having a candlelight dinner with her boyfriend tonight.

"Mine is abalone in oyster sauce with white rice and sea cucumber soup." Xu Yonglin smiled.

"Why didn't I see abalone in oyster sauce just now?" Kong Ru felt unbalanced for a moment, obviously she was the first to pick up the meal.

"You're blind." Xu Yonglin returned to her seat for dinner.

Kong Ru went to see other people's dinners, and saw Zhen Ni holding chopsticks and refusing to eat.

"Jenny, what's yours? Crab roe and shark's fin rice?" Kong Ru opened her eyes wide and saw the label on the lunch box.

"En." Jenny replied lightly.

"Why don't you eat it?" Kong Ru was salivating, she thought she had picked out the most expensive eel baked rice, but it turned out that the most expensive ones were all below!
"Let's eat later." Zhen Ni said, overtime work has always been reimbursed for meal expenses, and there has never been a special case of unified ordering, and you can also order meals from Liyuan Restaurant. Except for the president, who can allow such expensive meal expenses to be reimbursed? She even suspected that the president was just taking care of Yan Xi!
Kong Ru went to see Yan Xi's dinner again.

"Secretary Yan, what's your dinner?"

"Three delicacies tofu." Yan Xi was having a meal. She had never been to Liyuan Restaurant to eat, but she also knew the reputation of Liyuan Restaurant, so it was really delicious.

Seeing that there were only white shellfish, enoki mushrooms, shrimps and tofu, Kong Ru felt instantly balanced.

After a delicious dinner, everyone seems to be full of energy, until ten o'clock in the evening, basically all the work is done.

The higher-ups issued a notice to review the work tomorrow morning and get off work.

After receiving the news, everyone was in a hurry to get off work and walked out of the company. Either someone would pick them up or call a taxi.

Qin Hao drove out from the underground parking lot and saw that Yan Xi seemed to be waiting for the car. Everyone lived in the East District. He wanted to send Yan Xi home, but when he thought about it seriously, how could he take the opportunity of being the CEO.

Therefore, Qin Hao turned a blind eye with peace of mind.

Yan Xi was also waiting for a taxi, but there was always an employee who stopped the taxi before her.

So, Yan Xi walked to the bus stop opposite the company and waited for the bus. The last bus was at 10:30, so he should still be able to catch the last bus.

A black car was parked at the bus station with its windows down.

"Secretary Yan, I can take you home by the way."

"No, thank you." Yan Xi politely and politely refused.

Gu Jinluo didn't say a word, and drove away at a high speed. Since there is no need, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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