I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 308 Conspiracy Emerges 08

Chapter 308 Conspiracy Emerges 08
Gu Jinluo returned home feeling restless.

"Sir, do you need to prepare dinner?" The servant asked, the husband came back so late, I don't know if the husband has had dinner.

"No need." Gu Jinluo walked through the living room and hurried up the stairs.

Halfway up the stairs, Gu Jinluo stopped suddenly, holding the phone in his hand, trying not to call her, but he didn't know if she got home safely.

After thinking for a few seconds, Gu Jinluo went down the stairs and walked out of the room.

The servant looked puzzled, where is sir going?Until I saw a black car driving out of the gate of the villa. It was the husband's car. It was almost eleven o'clock. Why did the husband go out again?

Gu Jinluo drove to Tianhe Xiaoyuan, opened the car window and looked, and saw that the windows on the fifth floor were lit.

Perhaps his worry really seemed superfluous, Gu Jinluo started the car and left.


On Friday morning, the employees who worked overtime last night began to conduct review work. There was news from the top management. In the afternoon, the president and several high-level managers will go to the Jingyang City Subsidiary of Keer Company for a meeting in person.

President Gu will go out for a meeting in the afternoon, so Yanxi has nothing to do all afternoon, so he plays Tetris.

Until 03:30, the mobile phone vibrated, and the caller ID showed an unfamiliar number, which was a mobile phone number in the city.

Yan Xi answered the call, but did not speak, waiting for the other party to speak.

"Secretary Yan, there is still one copy of the proposal missing, immediately print a copy and send it to Area F of the parking lot. The president is waiting in the parking lot!"

"Yes." Yan Xi replied, and the other party hung up.

Yan Xi looked at the time, it was 03:30, she didn't know when President Gu would leave.

Maybe it was because she was suspicious, so she couldn't help but find it strange. Although she hadn't had much contact with the company's senior management, she had never heard of this person's voice in her memory.

After printing and binding, Yan Xi took the elevator to the second floor.

Area F is at the end of the second floor, and parking is more troublesome. Unless other parking spaces are full, they will not park in area F.

Besides, President Gu has his own parking space, so why is his car parked in Zone F?
It was not commuting time, and there was no one in the parking lot.

When Yan Xi walked to Area F, there was no one there, nor did he see Gu Jinluo's car.

I called back the number I just called, and the other party hung up after two rings.

Yan Xi immediately dialed Gu Jinluo's cell phone number, even suspecting that his boss was in trouble.

At this time, Gu Jinluo was in the meeting room of Keer Company, his phone was on silent, and he would not answer the phone during the meeting if there was nothing important to do.

But when he saw the caller ID, he reached out his hand to signal the suspension of the meeting. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he picked up his mobile phone and answered the call. This was the second time she called him, and the first time she pressed the wrong button.

"President, where are you?"

"What's the matter?" Gu Jinluo's tone was cold and calm, without a trace of extra emotion, but she couldn't calm down in her heart. She took the initiative to call him, probably because of something very important.

Yan Xi instantly understood that this proposal was purely a prank.

Suddenly, a black minivan drove up quickly and stopped at the F area quickly. Two men got out of the car and rushed over. Black stockings.

The equipment is simply low!

Yan Xi frowned.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Talk." Gu Jinluo didn't hear her speak for a long time.

"It's okay, hang up the line." Yan Xi hung up the line and took two steps back.

(End of this chapter)

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