I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 309 Conspiracy Emerges 09

Chapter 309 Conspiracy Emerges 09
The two of them had already rushed to Yan Xi, they were gasping, the black stockings squeezed the facial features deformed.

Holding the phone, Yan Xi said coldly, "Who are you? I will call the police."

The two didn't speak, and rushed up immediately, intending to snatch the phone.

With no way out, Yan Xi put the phone in his pocket, threw away the bill, punched the man in the floral shirt in the eyes, and kicked the man in the jacket in the stomach.

"Ah!" The man in the jacket was kicked flying, and the heel of the high-heeled shoes kicked him in the abdomen, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

"You're looking for death!" The eyes of the man in flowered shirt instantly turned red and swollen. Although he couldn't see it through the black stockings, it hurt!

The man in the flower shirt rushed up angrily and grabbed Yan Xi.

Yan Xi caught his wrist and twisted his back, the man in the flower shirt twisted his face and cried out in pain.

"Who are you? Who sent you here?" Yan Xi pushed the man in flowered shirt to the ground, stepped on his back, grabbed his right hand and pulled it up. He saw a scar on the palm of his hand.

Yan Xi pulled his arm and made his body bend backwards, which would definitely make him feel unspeakable pain.

The man in the flower shirt twisted his face in pain, and shouted at his accomplice in the car, "Come here and kill her!"

Seeing this, the three people in the car never expected this woman to be cruel, so they put on black silk stockings, took iron bars and long knives and rushed out.

The man in the jacket also got up and rushed over.

Yan Xi's eyes were cold, he grabbed the man's wrist and pulled it hard, then threw the man away.

The man in the flower shirt screamed, his arm was dislocated.

Four people surrounded Yan Xi, the man in the jacket was unarmed, the other two men were holding long knives, and the third man was holding an iron rod.

"You can't escape, if you don't want to suffer, come with us!" The man in the jacket was kicked just now, and he is still in pain.

"Whoever sent you here, tell me, I won't hold you accountable." Yan Xi glanced at several people.

The four of them seem to have heard some joke, this woman has some tricks, but they have knives and sticks, killing her is a breeze.

"Heizi, go up and knock her unconscious." The man with the knife said, after all, they didn't dare to kill anyone, and their purpose was to take this woman away.

Heizi let out a smirk, and rushed up with the iron rod.

Yan Xi ducked away, grabbed Heizi's arm and twisted it, the iron rod fell to the ground and rolled a few times.

Heizi cried out in pain, and wanted to grab Yan Xi's neck with his other hand.

Yan Xi immediately leaned back.

Seeing this, the man in the jacket rushed up to catch Yan Xi.

Yan Xi kicked the jacket man, the jacket man gained experience, when Yan Xi kicked her, he grabbed her calf and pulled hard.

Yan Xi fell backwards and fell to the ground.

Heizi was rescued, and punched Yan Xi hard.

Yan Xi turned over to avoid Heizi's fist, kicked the jacket man in the face, and picked up the iron rod on the ground.

Heizi punched the concrete floor, causing the joints of his fingers to bleed instantly.

The man in the jacket was even worse. His face was kicked by a high-heeled shoe, his nose was crooked, he was bleeding from the nose, his front teeth were loose, his mouth was full of blood, and his black stockings were soaked.

"This woman is ruthless! If she is so good at beating, beat her to death!" Heizi's eyes were fierce, and his fists were clenched.

"Hurry up! Otherwise, someone will come later, and she won't be able to kill her twice!" shouted the man in the flowered shirt with a dislocated arm.

The two men with the knives rushed forward immediately, and the man in the jacket and Heizi also became ruthless.

Yan Xi was holding an iron rod, although it was one against four, and the opponent had a knife, but she was not at a disadvantage, she didn't want to see blood.

(End of this chapter)

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