I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 313 Mu Ge Injured 03

Chapter 313 Mu Ge Injured 03
Xie Cunliang saw the name on the medical record, Lan Muge, as if he had heard this name somewhere.

Xie Cunliang handed over the medical records to Yin Zimo.

Seeing this, Yan Xi took a look at Xie Cunliang.

Xie Cunliang had an unceremonious expression on his face, Yan Xi probably guessed that he was the one who informed Zimo.

Yin Zimo started to write the medical records, turned on the computer and entered the medical records: "Mr. Lan, when will your family arrive?"

"They're not in the city, so they can't come." Lan Muge said, anyway, there was no way to question the authenticity of his words.

"Give me the medical records, and I'll pay the bill." Yan Xi stretched out his hand.

Yin Zimo hesitated for a moment, and finally handed her the medical record.

The nurse had already cleaned the wound: "Doctor Yin, it's time for stitches."

After Yin Zimo washed his hands, he put on medical gloves and began to stitch Lan Muge's wound.

During the period, the two did not exchange a word, and a strange atmosphere flowed around.

The nurse assisted and admired the two handsome guys back and forth, but the faces of the two seemed very unhappy.

Yan Xi paid the fee to get the medicine and came back, seeing such a harmonious scene.

"Miss Yan, the back of your neck seems to be bruised." Xie Cunliang saw just now that Yan Xi's hair was coiled up, half of which was covered by his collar.

"Yan Xi, are you injured?"

Yin Zimo and Lan Muge spoke in unison and looked at Yan Xi in unison.

"It's okay." Yan Xi said, the man slapped her on the back of the neck, and the pain is gone now.

"Is it really all right? The back of the neck is a very serious place." Lan Muge said seriously, he knew exactly which parts of the human body were vital.

"Let me take a look." Yin Zimo quickly finished the stitches, and then asked the nurse to bandage Lan Muge's wound and give Lan Muge an anti-inflammatory injection.

The nurse blinked, and seemed to understand that this handsome patient and Dr. Yin were rivals in love.

"Yan Xi, sit down." Yin Zimo took off his gloves.

"It's really fine." Yan Xi said again.

"Yan Xi, the injury to the back of the neck can be big or small." Yin Zimo looked anxious.

Yan Xi sat down on the chair helplessly.

Yin Zimo stood behind her and lifted the collar slightly, which would hurt her here: "Yan Xi, how did you get hurt?"

"Accident." Yan Xi didn't want to say more.

Lan Muge kept staring at Yin Zimo's actions until a needle pricked his arm, it hurt!

The nurse looked at Lan Muge's painfully handsome face, "Handsome guy, I'm sorry, who told you to be Dr. Yin's rival in love, of course she has to hit harder, but the muscles in this arm are quite tactile, not only handsome, but also so fit.

"Does it hurt?" Yin Zimo gently pressed the bruise's position.

"Slight." Yan Xi said.

"It hurts when you turn your head, doesn't it?" Yin Zimo asked again. As a doctor, he naturally knew whether she was lying.


"Fortunately, the neck bone was not injured, and the right side is slightly strained. Try to sleep on the left side at night. If it hurts, you can apply ice packs. After 24 hours, you can gently rub it with medicinal wine or safflower oil." Yin Zimo instructed in detail.


"My family has many kinds of medicinal wine, I will send them to your house tonight or tomorrow morning..." Yin Zimo's voice was full of expectation.

"No, I have safflower oil at home." Yan Xi said immediately.

Yin Zimo couldn't help feeling disappointed, he didn't believe that her family had safflower oil, and they could have dinner together last night, but she suddenly worked overtime.

The nurse looked at Yan Xi, did this lady surnamed Yan reject Dr. Yin?She didn't know what Mr. Lan's character and family background were like, but Mr. Yin's character and medical skills were obvious to all, and he was almost the dream lover of all women in the hospital!

(End of this chapter)

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