I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 314 Mu Ge Injured 04

Chapter 314 Mu Ge Injured 04
Lan Muge raised his eyebrows, Yan Xi rejected Yin Zimo, which made him uncertain about Yan Xi's attitude towards Yin Zimo.

"Doctor Yin, can we go?" Lan Muge stood up, with his arms hanging down naturally, and the anesthesia had not yet expired.

"Okay, come back in seven days, the stitches should be removed." Yin Zimo's tone was cold, and he believed that Lan Muge would never ask him for a follow-up visit.

"Thank you, Dr. Yin." Lan Muge squeezed out a thank you in a blunt tone. Even if he removed the stitches himself, he would never look for Yin Zimo!
"Zi Mo, goodbye. Doctor Xie, goodbye." Yan Xi looked at the two of them.

"Miss Yan, goodbye." Xie Cunliang looked familiar and kind.

"Yan Xi, goodbye." Yin Zimo was in a low mood, Yan Xi rejected him many times, was it because of Lan Muge?

Until Yan Xi and Lan Muge walked away, Xie Cunliang said, "This Lan Muge is not easy."

Yin Zimo frowned, the CEO of Xingyu Group and the heir of the Lan family.

Xie Cunliang added: "If I knew I would not give him an anesthesia, I would sew him up stitch by stitch."

When the nurse heard this, she couldn't help but shuddered. Only now did she realize that if you offend anyone, you can't offend Dr. Xie.


Yan Xi and Lan Muge left the hospital and went to the parking lot to pick up the car.

Lan Muge said, "Yan Xi, does your neck hurt? I can get someone to drive."

"It doesn't hurt, it's fine." Yan Xi opened the door of the passenger seat.

Lan Muge sat in the passenger seat helplessly. Except for his mother, no woman took care of him so carefully, and now his mother would not take care of him.

Yan Xi got into the driver's seat and saw him fastening his seat belt: "Don't move, I'll come."

Yan Xi leaned over and fastened his seat belt again.

"Actually, I can do it myself. You will make me feel very strange." Lan Muge was troubled in his heart. Where did his heroic and mighty image go?
"I'm sorry, I ignored your feelings." Although Yan Xi didn't know what was strange, he didn't want to, and she didn't force him.

"Needless to say I'm sorry, I'm just not used to it, no, or I just... want to save face." Lan Muge admitted annoyedly that it seemed difficult for him to maintain his image in front of Yan Xi at the moment.

"I didn't expect you to be so...honest." Yan Xi looked at him amusedly, as if getting along with Lan Muge wasn't so boring.

"I take it as your compliment." Lan Muge felt instantly relieved, he no longer had to pretend to be a gentleman and a warrior in front of Yan Xi.

"Where is your home?" Yan Xi started the car.

Lan Muge reported his address, and Yan Xi drove away.

"What happened in the underground parking lot of Shengshi Building just now, who are those people?" Lan Muge looked at her. She didn't say anything, and she didn't call the police. Her performance was too calm and strange.

"I don't know." She really had no clue about the sudden incident just now, those people seemed...too simple.

"Why didn't you call the police?" Lan Muge asked inexplicably. A normal person's reaction is to panic and call the police.

"Not necessary for now."

"Aren't you worried that there will be a next time?" Lan Muge frowned. He didn't know that she was very skilled, but not every time she could avoid danger.

"It should be just a misunderstanding." She really wanted to have a next time, so it would be easier to track down.

"Misunderstanding? Let me tell you honestly, I don't believe it's a misunderstanding. If you're just trying to hide me, I'll keep silent." Lan Muge was a little angry. Those people with knives and sticks should be kidnapping or even killing people. This is called a misunderstanding?

(End of this chapter)

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