I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 318 Mu Ge Injured 08

Chapter 318 Mu Ge Injured 08
Go to Tianhe Xiaoyuan, the driver stops at the entrance of Tianhe Xiaoyuan's community.

"Miss Yan, is this here?" The driver was unsure, an old real estate that couldn't be more ordinary.

"Yes, thank you for taking me back." Yan Xi opened the door and got out of the car.

The driver got out of the car in a hurry, he was supposed to open the door for Miss Yan.

"Miss Yan, you are being polite. Please allow me to take you home."

"No, thank you, goodbye." Yan Xi walked into the community.

The driver watched Yan Xi leave, and he didn't leave until he was far away.

After Yan Xi returned home, he started the computer to search for the license plate number, which had been canceled last year.

It is time-consuming to find that truck through road section monitoring, and some road sections are not monitored.

After chasing for about 30 minutes, the truck went to the West District, and disappeared after driving into a remote road. There are a lot of fish and dragons in this area, and those people have obvious characteristics, so it is not difficult to find them.

Yan Xi suddenly remembered someone, picked up his phone and dialed a number: "Officer Zheng, hello."

"Miss Yan?" Zheng Gu was a little surprised. When he saw the caller ID, he only remembered Miss Yan.

"It's me. I don't know if Officer Zheng knows a few people?"


"They should be people from the neighborhood of Lizi Street in the West District. They are all male. One of their right forearms has a tattoo of a skull pattern. They are probably in their early 20s. They are about 175cm tall and thin. They are wearing blue ripped denim jackets today. One There is a scar on the palm of the left hand. He is about 30 years old, about 170cm tall, has the habit of smoking, and is slightly fat. Today, he is wearing a blue-gray floral shirt. A man named Heizi, about 25 years old..."

"I know who it is. They are all scum in the West District. Sometimes they come to the South District to commit crimes. The man with the skull tattoo on his arm is called Lei Xiaoshun. He is an unemployed vagrant. He once went in and squatted for a few days because of vandalism. A fat man with scars on the palm of his hand. His name is Cao Bo, and he spent half a year squatting because of theft. Heizi’s real name is Chen Dajian, and he was just released from prison..."

"Do you have their addresses?" Yan Xi asked.

"Yes, you wait. Most of them are not locals, and they hardly go back to their hometowns. They live in rented houses and often change addresses. A few of them often go to nearby bars or Internet cafes. Lei Xiaoshun is a local, but I won't go home..." Zheng Gu turned on the computer and found the files of several people.

"I see, thank you Officer Zheng."

"Miss Yan, what happened?" Zheng Gu was a little worried, the people Miss Yan mentioned were scum.

"It was just a small accident."

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Zheng Gu asked. Although he is not a policeman of the Western District Bureau, he can also apply for assistance in the investigation.

"No need for now, I will call you again if there is a problem."

"Okay, be careful. These people can do anything. If you encounter any problems, you can call my mobile number at any time." Zheng Gu warned.

"I will, thank you Officer Zheng."

After Yan Xi hung up the line, he changed into a black windbreaker with a hood.

I looked at the time, it was about eight o'clock.

Yan Xi went out to the restaurant downstairs, and after dinner, he hailed a taxi to go to the West District.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening when we went to Lizi Street in the West District.

Most of the houses here are low-cost rental houses. The houses are dense and messy. People often steal wires and street lights, so the whole road is dark.

(End of this chapter)

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