I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 319 Mu Ge Injured 09

Chapter 319 Mu Ge Injured 09
Yan Xi put on his hat and walked to the stairs of a dilapidated six-story building, the lights on the stairs were not on.

A man was going down the stairs. He saw Yan Xi at the top of the stairs, so he took a look.

"Does Cao Bo live here?" Yan Xi asked in a low voice.

"Who are you?" The man looked vigilant and couldn't see the woman's face clearly, but this woman was dressed in a serious manner, and she didn't look like a person here.

Yan Xi didn't say anything, just took out two pieces of money and handed them over.

The man's eyes lit up, he hesitated for a moment, and then quickly took the money.

"Turn left to the second room on the fifth floor." The man whispered and walked away immediately.

Yan Xi walked up the stairs to the fifth floor.

The lights in the second rental house were on, and the clothes drying in the corridor were all adult men’s clothes. Cao Bo should live alone.

The windows were closed, and gray curtains obscured the view.

Yan Xi knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Cao Bo yelled, but he panicked when no one responded.

Cao Bo threw away the cigarette butt, and immediately went to climb the window. He committed the crime today. They covered their heads at that time, so they should not be able to find them, but no matter what, it is right to escape. He has been in prison before, and he does not want to go back to prison.

After confirming Cao Bo's voice, Yan Xi kicked the door open.

With a bang, Cao Bo was so frightened that he almost fell. This is the fifth floor, and even if he didn't die, he would be crippled if he fell.

"Who are you?" Cao Bo was shocked and immediately grabbed the window.

"Aren't you very clear?" Yan Xi walked up to Cao Bo.

"It's you? It's none of my business! I'm just doing business with Heizi. Heizi said that if you are tied up, you will get money, so I followed. Please let me go." Cao Bo never expected that this woman could find this place!

"Heizi said the same thing."

"How is it possible? Heizi lied to you. He deliberately pushed me on top of me. He must have escaped now!" Cao Bo said angrily.

"Heizi said the same thing." Yan Xi, wearing black gloves, suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Ah!" Cao Bo dodged back subconsciously, almost falling, but luckily she held him back.

Cao Bo broke out in a cold sweat and looked at Yan Xi in horror. Now if she pushes him, he will fall.

"Who instructed you?" Yan Xi asked.

"I really don't know, even if you want to kill me, I can't tell. I'm just following Heizi, he must have escaped, you go after him!" Cao Bo complained, this woman is very skilled, and Finding this place so quickly must have a lot of background. If he had known that this woman was not easy, he would never have accepted the job!

"Have the courage to tie someone up, don't you have the courage to jump off?" Yan Xi exerted a little force on his hand.

Cao Bo clung to the window and shouted in horror: "No, no, I said, I said! Brother Hong gave us the money to tie you up and send you to Lihong Hotel."

"Who is Brother Hong?"

"I don't know what his real name is. Everyone calls him Brother Hong."

"What does it look like, how tall is it? Where do you live?"

"I don't know where he lives. Brother Hong is tall and thin. He often goes to the Hunter's Bar. You can find out when you go to the Hunter's Bar."

"Do you have a picture of him?"

"It seems to be there. It is in the phone. The one in the middle is Brother Hong." Cao Bo took out his phone and clicked on a photo.

"If I can't find Brother Hong, I will come back and look for you." Yan Xi let him go temporarily.

Cao Bo breathed a sigh of relief, quickly climbed down, packed up his things and ran away. If Brother Hong knew that he had betrayed him, Brother Hong would definitely kill him.


(End of this chapter)

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