I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 320 Mu Ge Injured 10

Chapter 320 Mu Ge Injured 10
At ten o'clock in the evening, the Hunter's Bar was bustling with hustle and bustle. The colorful lights staggered, and the loudspeakers burst into loud shouts. Most of the men and women on the dance floor were dressed in fancy costumes, twisting and dancing.

Yan Xi walked into Hunter's Bar, sat on a chair at the bar, and ordered a glass of wine casually.

"Beauty, are you alone?" The bartender dyed a head of dazzling red hair, wearing a black retro jacket, and wearing a tiger-carved necklace around his neck.

Yan Xi glanced at the bartender, is there something wrong with his vision?She can't be called a beauty at all, okay?

"Waiting for someone?" The bartender saw that she was alone. This woman was unfamiliar, and most women would not come here to play alone.

"Find someone."

"Who are you looking for? Are you looking for a man like me?" The bartender smiled mischievously.

"Looking for Brother Hong, is he there?"

"Brother Hong? What can you do with him?" The bartender stopped smiling for a moment. Could it be that this woman is Brother Hong's love interest?But it doesn't look like it.

"Private business."

"Who are you?" The bartender sized up Yan Xi, this woman was well dressed and had a serious demeanor, she didn't look like someone who came here to play.

"Where's Brother Hong?" Yan Xi took out some money and put it on the bar to hold it down.

The bartender's eyes lit up, he looked around quietly, and then said in a low voice, "It should be in private room 318 on the third floor. Brother Hong always orders private room 318."

"Who else is in the private room?"

"I don't know, sometimes he brings a few brothers, sometimes with a woman, sometimes after the show, he will stay alone for a while. That's all I know." The bartender said.

Yan Xi pushed the money forward.

The bartender quickly took the money and stuffed it into his trouser pocket, and reminded him: "Brother Hong is not easy to mess with, he has a gun."

Yan Xi left without saying a word.

The bartender was surprised, this woman really went to Hong Ge?Although Brother Hong was tall and thin, he was very violent. He might be able to kill this woman with one punch.


Yan Xi went to the vicinity of private room 318 on the third floor, observed for a while, and occasionally saw someone coming out to go to the bathroom.

While the bartender was entering the private room to deliver the wine, Yan Xi took a look. There were men and women in the private room, and he also saw the so-called Brother Hong.

Not long after, Brother Hong walked out of the private room and walked towards the bathroom.

Yan Xi followed secretly all the way.

Brother Hong didn't go to the bathroom, but walked all the way to the end of the corridor, looking back from time to time.

Brother Hong sneaked to the bottom of the stairs, checked that there was no one around, then opened the door of the cleaning room, quickly dodged in and closed the door.

Not seeing Brother Hong coming out, Yan Xi leaned close to the door of the cleaning room to listen carefully, only to hear the sound of the aluminum-plastic panel being lifted off the ceiling, followed by the rustling of plastic paper.

The door of this kind of cleaning room is usually not locked, Yan Xi gently twists the doorknob and pushes the door open.

Brother Hong held a syringe in his hand, and beside him were several syringes, a mineral water bottle, and a pack of transparent crystals in the shape of ice grains.

Looking at the bag of white crystals, Yan Xi paused, and his black pupils suddenly contracted.

"Who are you?" Brother Hong was taken aback, and at the same time retreated quickly, he touched his back with his right hand and took out a gun to point at Yan Xi.

Yan Xi rushed forward in an instant, kicked Brother Hong's wrist, the pistol flew up from his hand, Yan Xi caught the pistol with one hand and pointed at Brother Hong.

The mineral water bottle on the ground fell down, splashed a few drops of water, and landed on the shoes, stained with some transparent crystal debris. Yan Xi's face changed slightly, and he held the pistol tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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